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  1. Y2K

    BitBuilt's 2024 Summer Building Competition

    Existing community contributions made by others that are not tailor-made to your project are fair game. The idea of rule #1 is to eliminate the possibility of someone collaborating on their contest entry with someone else, or commissioning a 3rd party person to design/build your project for you...
  2. Y2K

    Worklog SummerCart 64 Lite (working title) - a N64 Flashcart for Portables

    Hello everyone! I thought about bringing back PSXpress for this year's contest, but I'm pretty confident that I won't be able to finish it in time for this year's deadline given all that I want to do, so I came up with a new idea! The idea of a sleek & compact N64 portable has been fairly...
  3. Y2K

    Worklog [FINISHED] BrickMii: Old 2019 Portable

    Gotta love to see an old build see the light of day. Great work! :D
  4. Y2K

    Question portables that use OMEGA trims

  5. Y2K

    Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] DS Lite XL

    Please make your own thread if you'd like to share progress on this further, as this is very off-topic for someone else's worklog thread. Thanks!
  6. Y2K

    Short Stack - The World's Smallest Wii

    Excellent work on the build and your cutting edge post! I can't wait to build one! :D
  7. Y2K

    i has new trim!!!1

    wow dis gud, i try now
  8. Y2K

    Guide Constant Corruption & Crashes in RVLoader

    I think the best approach to confirm that this is or isn't a Wii incompatibility issue is to wire to a separate USB port instead of PMS-PD, just to eliminate any potential variables. Knowing how PMS-PD Rev 2 works with its muxing, I kinda doubt it's the issue, but you can never be too careful...
  9. Y2K

    Worklog N64 Micro

    I definitely wouldn't get discouraged, RDRAM is just stupidly sensitive haha Definitely give yourself some time and then try to get back into the fray, it's a great concept and it definitely can work, just gotta pay more attention to the RAMBUS termination!
  10. Y2K

    Wii Portable Commision

    I hate to be a negative nancy, but while your contributions are appreciated, I do not believe you are ready to start accepting commissions for something like this. Allow me to explain why. Firstly, according to CrazyGadget, you've have had to have him trim and prewire 2 trims for your existing...
  11. Y2K

    Worklog N64 Micro

    Perhaps it could be related to how you're terminating the RDRAM? That part is fairly sensitive, possibly something to look into.
  12. Y2K

    Wii Omega Trim Commission Request for GC Nano Build

    Moved to the user trading subforum as this is more on topic for this subforum.
  13. Y2K

    Mega Drive PCB

    Amazing work! You're on a roll! :D
  14. Y2K

    Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] DS Lite XL

    If you need a model of the DS Lite shell for your purposes, might I suggest checking out @Wesk's DS Lite 3D Scans to use as a reference? It should be pretty accurate, and you can either manipulate the scan directly or design your own model based on the scan!
  15. Y2K

    Release WiFiflex: Wii WiFi relocation flex pcb

    JLC will usually manufacturer boards that are out of tollerance if you accept the risks, so I'd definitely say you got lucky here. The boards are probably not going to have an issue through their process, but they can't offer any guarantees when they're outside of tollerance. In any case, my...
  16. Y2K

    Modern Piiwii Pocket

    A new build with a direct drive in 2024?! And a revival of an old classic! You sir get a gold medal! A suggestion, your wiring is a little spaghetti. One thing I recommend you do is bundle sets of magnet wire together (ones that are not noise sensitive, I should add) by tying more magnet wire...
  17. Y2K

    [FS] Squishy Tacts (SKEYAJA010) & Dual-Action Tacts (TMHF07)

    Dual tacts have 2 actuations. The first actuation is like a softer click, not like a squishy tact but not as sharp as a clicky tact. The second click is much sharper and feels much more like a regular clicky switch. For an N64 build though I personally would prefer to use something with only one...
  18. Y2K

    Release WiFiflex: Wii WiFi relocation flex pcb

    Hi everyone! So as user @connorl discovered when ordering flexes through JLCPCB (and also through Yveltal's infinite foresight), JLC will not manufacture these flexes as-is due to the tolerances on the castellations being out of spec. Have no fear, for I have come to save the day! Here is a...
  19. Y2K

    Guide The Definitive Wii U Trimming Guide

    I would advise anyone here to not attempt this until you have some more experience under your belt. Not trying to gatekeep or anything, but WUP-50 Wii U's aren't exactly the most common thing in existence, and the sheer number of extremely complex relocations required here is not something that...
  20. Y2K

    Release WiFiflex: Wii WiFi relocation flex pcb

    FPCs through PCBWay are indeed very expensive. These FPCs through JLCPCB are $15 for 5, and they also currently have a one time use coupon available for a free 2 layer flex PCB order for boards less than 100mm^2. Perfect for these if you want to give them a shot!