The Bedroom Workshop and Sleep Hygiene

Jun 21, 2016
Northern New Jersey
Hi guys. I thought this might be something relevant to our little community of tinkerers, so I wanted your thoughts. Bear with me a minute, I'm running on fumes.

I do not sleep well at night.

The concept of sleep hygiene generally says, in order to sleep well, you must do the things conducive to sleeping well (duh).

Amongst those things is freeing your room of distractions. Bedrooms are for bed-related activities only, so to speak.

I, like some of you, have my workspace with all of my tools and parts and 3D printer crammed into a corner of my bedroom. It's where I've got space; it can't go anywhere else. And lo and behold, sometimes a little "late night modding" seems more attractive than going to sleep at a reasonable time, and I wind up a sleep-deprived mess in the morning. Often times, in fact.

Anyway, while I develop some god-damned self discipline: does anyone have any ideas? Anybody relate?

(Sorry for no memes. Grebbs is running on no sleep as you might expect, and this post took embarrassingly long to write)
Dec 10, 2016
Constant Fear
sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) +e^(i*pi)

Unplug all your stuff before you go to bed, or just turn it off, 3d printer, computer, and all.

Opening your window for a little bit to let some fresh air in always helps me sleep. Do you like music? using some earbuds and playing soft-ish music is always nice to lull me to sleep. Lofi, Vaporwave, etc. Also drama podcasts are fun, I listen to horror stories to go to sleep with, Nosleep Podcast(kinda ironic but yeah), Creepy, Simply Scary Podcast, SCP Archives, Uncanny County(not specifically horror, just *weird* stories).

Wake up early in the morning, every morning, then you'll eventually force yourself to go to bed early, because you don't want to Feel crappy in the morning. if I don't want to sleep at night I do a High Intensity workout to Work myself out(Fastest mile, Long reps, just something that's hard, I only do like a 14 minute workout, but it's a High intensity), plus it's healthy to eventually work out.(and it always makes me feel better mentally, it releases Endorphins or something like that) after I chill for like 20 minutes after, and then I go to bed, I usually fall alseep within thirty minutes I think.(if I don't go watch youtube in bed, or listen to anything).

Good luck soldier ;-;7


Wizardry V Completer
Nov 10, 2016
I used to have problems sleeping as a kid. For me it was the digital display on my alarm clock. I would literally lay there watching the numbers change. And then for some reason I decided there were numbers I didn’t like. Like, I didn’t want the last number I saw before attempting sleep to be a 1 or 4 or whatever. So I’d wait with my eyes wide open until the clock ended in a 5 or 8 or 0. I’d try closing my eyes but I kept telling myself that the number was about to change again, so I’d keep peeking and sure enough, it changed to a number I didn’t want. Rinse and repeat.

After I gradually grew out of that, I started worrying that my thoughts were keeping me awake. Seems pretty logical if you have a lot on your mind. So I’d tell myself to not to think about anything. Then I’d keep myself awake worrying about trying to shut off my brain.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

After realizing that my attempts to prevent sleep were actually preventing sleep, I decided to give in. I don’t stare at the clock anymore, but I consciously allow my mind to wander. Thinking about sleep at all will keep me awake, so I instead let my brain go anywhere else it wants to go.
Jun 21, 2016
Northern New Jersey
That's a good point. I was SO sleep deprived and exhausted yesterday I thought I'd fall asleep immediately, but my mind kept racing and I'd berate myself for it. I guess that it doesn't help matters to tell my brain to shut up already and let me rest. Even benedryl (not as a sleep aid, I was taking it for allergies) and some indica didn't manage to knock me out until 12:00.

It's funny you mention that clock thing. Sounds like the same weird neurotic shit I'd do as a kid and continue to do.

For example, I just decided one day that I vehemently hate Adirondack chairs. I literally came up with reasons and convinced myself. Do I really hate them? Couldn't tell you. I didn't then, but I came up with some compelling arguments.

Brains are weird.


the tallest memer in town
Staff member
Mar 2, 2016
Heyyyyyyyy sleep deprived buddies!

I've noticed that I tend to sleep better if I've cleaned up my room and I take a shower before bed, say 15 minutes or so before laying down. I also just got used to basically no sleep (like 2-4 hrs) all the time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯