Question What 3d printer is best for portable cases

Sep 28, 2021
Ontario, Canada
I'm getting tired of paying pcbway absorbent amounts for 3d prints so I think its finally time I get a 3d printer of my own. So I got some questions about 3d printers I hope you wont mind answering.
-Which 3d printer should I get with no previous experiences 3d printing
-Which filament should I get
-Any software I should have paired with the 3d printer
-Is it safe to keep it running in my bedroom or should I keep it in a place like my garage
-Is there any additional information I should know about 3d printing

Also I'm likely only going to use this 3d printer for portable cases (more specifically an Ashida currently). Thank you and sorry if some of these are dumb questions I'm still new to 3d printing stuff.


Staff member
Feb 25, 2016
I was tired of operating my Form2 so I sold it and now gladly pay pcbway prices for better quality and options too.

There are 2 general types of consumer 3d printers: FDM and SLA. FDM printers are your standard plastic extruders which usually results in pretty obvious print artifacts. You can get an FDM printer very cheap like the Ender 3 designs but I would recommend the Prusa MK3 if you can swing it.

It is safe to keep it in your bedroom just dont put your towel or blanket over it.
Sep 28, 2021
Ontario, Canada
I was tired of operating my Form2 so I sold it and now gladly pay pcbway prices for better quality and options too.

There are 2 general types of consumer 3d printers: FDM and SLA. FDM printers are your standard plastic extruders which usually results in pretty obvious print artifacts. You can get an FDM printer very cheap like the Ender 3 designs but I would recommend the Prusa MK3 if you can swing it.

It is safe to keep it in your bedroom just dont put your towel or blanket over it.
Thanks gman though I think I will go with an ender 3 because I suffer from broke. Also glad to know it isn't too toxic to keep in my room


May 1, 2022
First of all, make sure you are in the BitBuilt discord as there is a 3d-printing chat channel

For a 3d printer, it really depends on how much you want to spend and how big you want to go. I would play with Ultimaker Cura with some printer presets and models you want to print to get an idea of how big you want to go.
Personally, I have an ender 3 v2 that works reasonably well, but be prepared to do some tuning. I would go for something slightly bigger if you can afford to, eg Artillery SW-X2, ender 5 plus

I would start out using PLA and PLA+ as it prints at a lower temperature and is super easy to print, cheap, not toxic, and ideal for handhelds as it is pretty strong. I can recommend eSun, Sunlu, and Hatchbox filament. There are many more great brands out there just stay away from the unbranded stuff and pay attention to the +_ value.

For software, it depends on what printer you get but it will most likely be Ultimaker Cura or Prusa slicer both are free.

It would be better to have it in your garage due to certain prints taking longer than you may expect at high settings. And sleeping with a printer going is not a good experience.
:) but you can have it in your room if your not printing with anything that gives of toxic fumes.

Watch some basic tutorials Cura or Prusa slicer. Watch multiple guides and 3d printer recommendation videos. Join some of the 3d printing discords as they are super useful
Some useful links.

Printer Calibration -
great buyers guide -
Youtubers I would look at for reviews and other 3d printing things.
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Thomas Sanladerer
3d Printing nerd