fibbef Jan 1, 2019 Going to be productive in 2019 and finish a couple of unfinished projects. Yeah, that's totally happening.
Going to be productive in 2019 and finish a couple of unfinished projects. Yeah, that's totally happening.
fibbef Dec 8, 2018 jumped on the 3D print bandwagon. Does that mean I'll ever finish another project?
fibbef Jun 6, 2018 Every year on June 6, I marvel at the fact that The Omen remake is one year older. (06/06/06) Has it really been 12 years!?
Every year on June 6, I marvel at the fact that The Omen remake is one year older. (06/06/06) Has it really been 12 years!?
fibbef May 7, 2018 Just sent my 2 freedom certs for the 2018 contest. Prepare to be whelmed by another fibbef masterpiece.
Just sent my 2 freedom certs for the 2018 contest. Prepare to be whelmed by another fibbef masterpiece.
fibbef Feb 22, 2018 Metroid: the name of the game is backtracking. You will do it; a LOT of it; and you will LIKE it!
fibbef Feb 4, 2018 Finally finished Digimon World 2. I feel like my persistence deserves a medal or something.
fibbef Jan 20, 2018 Digimon World 2 is arguably the worst game in my collection. Once I beat it, it’s all uphill from here, right?
Digimon World 2 is arguably the worst game in my collection. Once I beat it, it’s all uphill from here, right?
fibbef Dec 8, 2017 More excited to send my secret Santa gift than I am about getting one. Is this that “spirit of giving” thing I hear people talking about?
More excited to send my secret Santa gift than I am about getting one. Is this that “spirit of giving” thing I hear people talking about?
fibbef Sep 27, 2017 Despite playing Super Mario World for the past 25-ish years, I turn it on last night and my 2 year old shows me something in it I never knew
Despite playing Super Mario World for the past 25-ish years, I turn it on last night and my 2 year old shows me something in it I never knew
fibbef Sep 25, 2017 After a decade, I finally got my 100-lot of Super Famicom games cleaned, tested, and inventoried.
fibbef Jul 21, 2017 Need to charge a PS Move controller but want to play Xbox. If I'm in jail tomorrow, you all know why.
Need to charge a PS Move controller but want to play Xbox. If I'm in jail tomorrow, you all know why.
fibbef Jun 29, 2017 Weird. My Photobucket links still work.... I mean YES I UPLOAD EVERYTHING TO BITBUILT.
fibbef Jun 20, 2017