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  1. Discussion Ashida & G-Boy injection moulded shell expression of interest

    Interested, 1 Ashida shell in Gamecube indigo.
  2. Worklog First portable, Ashida

    Unfortunately I don't have a microSD card from that generation / product line. The closest I have (pictured below) are a new-ish grey and red 256GB Sandisk Ultra (SDSQUAC-256G-GN6MA) and an older black 200GB Sandisk Ultra (SDSDQUAN-200G-G4A) that both work fine with my Wii with a RVL-CPU-40...
  3. Worklog First portable, Ashida

    USBDeview output for Kingston FCR-MRG2: USBDeview output for Nokia adapter: Comparison of top side of adapters -- notice identical via pattern on plug: Comparison of bottom side of adapters -- no serial number on Nokia adapter: It's difficult to say with 100% certainty if the FCR-MRG2 or...
  4. Worklog Opaque Blue Noldendo

    I did the U10 relocation and trim today, but am having some trouble with resistance values. Board after U10 relocation and trim: Resistance values for the 1.15v rail are much too low, compared to the values reported by someone with the RVL-CPU-01 doing an OM6 trim. Below are the resistance...
  5. Worklog Attempting to put a Wii in a Wii U Gamepad

    Within RVLoader, move the right joystick on your controller, you'll see a circular menu displayed in the center of the screen. There are is an option with label "HB". Move the joystick to select that option and stay on it 2-3 seconds, RVLoader will then display to its own Homebrew Channel screen...
  6. Worklog Attempting to put a Wii in a Wii U Gamepad

    The upside down Homebrew Channel is something that consistently happens for the rest of us, as well. If you go to the Homebrew Channel screen of RVLoader it shouldn't be upside down, though. The explanation I've been told is that it's something to do with the patched cIOS, which Homebrew Channel...
  7. Worklog Opaque Blue Noldendo

    Quick update. I've not made a huge amount of progress, but at least some has been made. I got the case printed in PETG, with significant defects, but it got done. I removed the memory card port, and wired up the PTH08080 modules. Case in blue PETG: 4x PTH08080WAH. Yes, those are solder...
  8. Ashida Blue Driver Board Screen Controls

    I don't have anything else to add, but for searchability later, I hope y'all will allow me to inject some statistically improbable terms ... You just received the PCB800050v9 revision of the PCB800050 board with the RTD2660 / RTD2660H (RTD2662) chip, and you're wondering about the silkscreen...
  9. Worklog Purple Ashida Build

    Looks like green and blue were swapped. The stars are supposed to be yellow. red + green = yellow red + blue = violet
  10. Worklog Yet another Ashida build (My First)

    I'm very surprised that specific SanDisk MicroSD reader is working for you. It worked on my unmodded 4-layer Wii with only one of the seven microSDXC cards I tested it against, and it gets extremely hot while in use. Best of luck. In case you decide to use something other than that USB 3...
  11. Solved Why is the Wii not turning on?

    You might want to read up a little bit on lithium batteries before proceeding, particularly voltages:
  12. Question What is the best inexpensive portable to build

    While it's not portable, the Wii Micro builds cost less and are less complicated: If you get one complete and working, you can always recycle many of the parts from it to make a portable.
  13. Board scan PS2 79000 Compendium

    Sorry to necro thread. Converted file to Gimp (XCF) format, for anyone not using Windows. File is too large to attach to post, so shared here: Update: I probably duplicated effort here. Nold appears to have converted the file some time ago, available here...
  14. Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] Dockable NDS

    Sounds exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing more from your research! If you're using ARM intellectual property in your FPGA, request you refrain from posting that part to this site.
  15. Worklog Purple Ashida Build Diagrams tab, halfway down the page -- Bluetooth module, which is optional. Presumably is for controller sync, but that's a guess.
  16. Guide RVLoader USB Compatibility Database

    I tested a few USB flash drives on my untrimmed 4-layer Wii with RVLoader installed. As above, I tested 5 GC and 5 Wii games for 10 minutes per game. Failure means I got it to hang the system at least twice when trying to boot RVLoader or load a game. Passed: SanDisk 256GB Cruzer USB 2.0 Flash...
  17. Question Identifying PSX Modchip

    Would love to hear how it goes. If your modchip matches what's described in the articles I linked, it should just stop accepting burned discs and discs from other regions, but I'm no expert.
  18. Question Identifying PSX Modchip

    I've no idea, but I am a little curious. Would it be possible to get a picture of the reverse side of the modchip, please? I found a reference to sanded off chip packaging on early modchips on these pages:
  19. Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] The Chicken Nugget Boy!

    If you're looking for something inexpensive to go with the chicken nugget / McDonald's theme, the Atgames Genesis portables were not very good, but still played Genesis roms. ... or you could sacrifice a Nintendo DS and get it to play the McDonald's DS training game? Looking forward to the...
  20. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Happy to have you here! Please feel free to make a new thread to get help.