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  1. Anthony Stewart

    Worklog Benge BS2 Portable PS2

    I'm pretty sure you still need to connect 5v to the ps2
  2. Anthony Stewart

    Question Gc+2.0 help

    So it looks like I might just have bad sticks I tried some new sticks and they work fine
  3. Anthony Stewart

    Question Gc+2.0 help

    I'll try it again but does it need to read both sticks to save or will it work when doing just the one. I can't get past the first stick with the wizard.
  4. Anthony Stewart

    Question Gc+2.0 help

    Yeah I've tried using that but its only getting those 2 directions off the sticks it won't let me do a full rotation.
  5. Anthony Stewart

    Question Gc+2.0 help

    I have been having some problems getting switch sticks to work properly with 2 of the portables im working on and I'm not 100% sure whats happening but I think I have everything wired correctly. If I move the left stick up and down the right stick moves side to side and I'm getting nothing when...
  6. Anthony Stewart

    My G-boy

    I"m not a hundred percent sure what happened to it but it would restart if I put pressure near the nand so I replaced it.
  7. Anthony Stewart

    My G-boy

    Only took two wiis lol
  8. Anthony Stewart

    GBoy rev3

    Here's mine as well.
  9. Anthony Stewart

    GBoy rev3

    Can't wait for the kit!