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  1. Janderas70

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    Thank you so much! I sanded until 240 grit. Do the layers look ok? Or should i continue sanding up to 1000 grit?
  2. Janderas70

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    Hi guys, total noob here. I just trimmed my first wii and i don't know what to expect. I'm worried about certain spots on the edges where the holes go through the board. Is it ok or they will make a short? I also post my resistances. Thank you all and appreciate your help.
  3. Janderas70

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hi everyone! Total noob here looking for help on his first Wii trim! I hope i can play portable Wind Waker this summer... Thank you all for your help and patience, in case it will be needed :D