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  1. Luis Mendonça

    [WTB] mini64 v2.x board

    If you are willing to wait I'll release this week some pcb brd files and gerbers to be built of a cnt board with battery-less memory on it. Just giving it some final touches because I actually started working on a bigger board that would cover more than just the controller part of the N64 portable.
  2. Luis Mendonça

    Solved bluetooth did not work

    By 003 you mean the 003 error brick? You want to know how to unbrick a 003 wii?
  3. Luis Mendonça

    Anyone know where to find these small joysticks?

    Thanks man! I was thinking about buying broken small controllers aswell, but could not find any around where I live, and importing broken things seems like a very bad idea. The main reason I did not want to use switch joysticks was because of their price, but if I can't find a more viable...
  4. Luis Mendonça

    Anyone know where to find these small joysticks?

    Hi everyone, I am looking for these small joysticks, since they would be great in portabilizing. Even tough a big normal joystick is much more confortable, they are bulky and sometimes too high. Here are somes I found, one in a thread here in bitbuilt, this thread...
  5. Luis Mendonça

    Info about PSP LCD Screen driver board?

    This is an example of such work, an option would be go to FPGA's aid. and the github Well, it's at least worth the read. As Noah said, it's much easier to go with a screen kit.
  6. Luis Mendonça

    Question What are some quick and cost effective ways to get things 3D-Printed?

    I'm doing that for my recent development projects, I will soon post a worklog of one, I order them from a online shop that only sells 3d printed products. At least here in my case they were the cheapest service and the print quality is good, as I can't right now afford my own printer, it's a...
  7. Luis Mendonça

    Question Is this battery scheme well structured?

    No man that's not a sata connection from the psu to the board, it's a kind of JST aswell or something with a similar name. You don't have to solder both positive and negative pins for it to work, choose one of them and solder it. You will connect the positive out from the BMS to the positive...
  8. Luis Mendonça

    Question Is this battery scheme well structured?

    Just out of curiosity why are you planning on having that much voltage? The ps2 will work well with lower voltages, without any or much modifications. Using 2 batteries in series will be cheaper and work well. Or maybe having 4, 2 batteries parallel packs and then in series will give better...
  9. Luis Mendonça

    Question HELP ps2 board 79001 trimmer

    Just be careful, because even when I found the reset pin on my board revision using a multimeter, my board fried, had to replace a few fuses. Be extra sure you are on the right pin.
  10. Luis Mendonça


    Well, I don't mean to judge so I won't, if he wanted to stop because things got a bit over technical, it was his call right. But from what I see, it seems there really was a lot of info on his site and forums, which would also be beneficial. (Not that BitBuilt is not, information is never too...
  11. Luis Mendonça


    Whataver happened to his site/forum/himself? I couldn't find anything online, it's almost all down apart from some lucky manual pdf finds and the YouTube channel, which is not updated for some time. I'm kinda new to the moding scene, so I need to have that gap in my life filled.
  12. Luis Mendonça

    Worklog Controller Chip CNT-NUS eagle library and custom board with controller pak

    Hi everyone! I'm finishing a library for the controller chip, so I can make a custom board using it, for me at least it will be very useful, if anyone is interested, I may upload it here. It's not hard to do, I know, but it's boring, takes some hours of our days lol. Of course I still have...
  13. Luis Mendonça

    Help modding board to run with 5V

    I did, he/she didn't really know what it was about, now I can only find it in alibaba. Which pin are you jumping there? It's to solder +5V input directly to that rightmost pin of this drum inductor? EDIT: It's working as of tzmwx post, the buttons from the original board still do not work as...
  14. Luis Mendonça

    Help modding board to run with 5V

    Hi everyone! I recently got this new 7 inches screen, and right out of the box I tried running it with 5 v before modding. It did run, but the screen quality was lower than it was when running with 12V, very noticeable (Using a variable power supply helps a lot when testing these) and all the...
  15. Luis Mendonça

    Question No video, first portable problem.

    Oh ok. Thought the jumper was to let the current flow, and the switch was supposed to cut the flow, as soon as I can I will desolder it and test it out, so it's one less problem out of the way.
  16. Luis Mendonça

    Question No video, first portable problem.

    So I should leave the reset without any jumpers? I saw different jumper positions in Bacman's tutorials as well as here: So I thought it was necessary after removing the power switch. But I will also try it...
  17. Luis Mendonça


    That board already does the job for you, already does the digi pot work lol, much better. I don't know all it's versions but some already come with built in headphone jacks, but they are more expensive (The only ones that sell in my country unfortunelly). Sounds neat, it's a good idea, when you...
  18. Luis Mendonça

    Question No video, first portable problem.

    I see, I actually didn't know about mouser, I was only looking for digikey, shipping there to Brazil is always expensive, 50 dollars. Cant blame them, my country is a mess. I successfully bought those parts from mouser btw. Anyways, the regulator was not the culprit, (Don't mind the mess here...
  19. Luis Mendonça

    Question No video, first portable problem.

    Yeah, I think we could narrow it down to two variables here, as you guys said, that regulator is not trustworthy at all, so it most likely is the culprit, but I don't have a PSU to test it out. What I could test out was on another board which was working, so I hooked up my battery setup and the...
  20. Luis Mendonça


    To increase and decrease volume using key presses, I would suggest using digital potentiometers, and maybe an audio amp, don't know how exactly you plan on using the audio out, but this is a way. About the digital pot, you can find easy tutorials around, and if you plan on using an audio amp, I...