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  1. Worklog MG&C's GameCube Advance

    Is this project still alive?
  2. Question My wii motherboard wont boot after reallocating u10

    Check this thread, it may help you:
  3. G-Boy PCB Files?

    Look at this thread: yqwsyxl driver board | BitBuilt - Giving Life to Old Consoles
  4. G-Boy PCB Files?

    No problem, I'm actually doing a g-boy so if you have more question, I can help you :)
  5. G-Boy PCB Files?

    Ok,in Fench,it's this I hope it will help you:D: 800pcs/set M2 Vis Autotaraudeuses en Acier au Carbone Vis en Tête Plate Fraisées Vis Autotaraudeuses Vs à Bois avec Boîte
  6. G-Boy PCB Files?

  7. G-Boy PCB Files?

    You need to use M2 screws. Like this.
  8. The XiiSBar

    Wow, that's a so cool project, it will help me for doing m'y g-boy!Thanks for your Amazing works!(And thanks for do it open source).
  9. Question G-Boy or Ashida?

    Hi! I think the g-boy is easier to do than the ashida, it also cost less than an ashida.(I think).
  10. New blue g-boy REV4U

    Hi everybody!Today I finally do the trimm and the standing part.Now,I juste need to check m'y voltage and sée if it still boot.(Also, I accidentely remove the r1 and the r2 under the Ldo, I don't know if it still work, if somebody Can tell me if will be cool). See you next Time!
  11. New blue g-boy REV4U

    New update: Hello all! I finally install rvloader and the other things I need and,success!It boot!(Alslo,thanks to YvetalGriffin for his help)Now,the next big step is to trimm the wii.I need to do a basic OMGWTF trimm right?I'm so happy to do this g-boy and I hope it will still working after the...
  12. New blue g-boy REV4U

    Hi everibody! It's the end of summer and I would like to build a blue g-boy rev4u since 6 months.So let's start! I already begin my g-boy and I weld some wires. (Also, I use a pms-pd 3 and I can't access to the micro sd card, I don't know why.)Another thing , the pcb of the screen is dead like...
  13. yqwsyxl driver board

    Ok thanks for all your answers, I think I will take the board from Darkside19 because when I buy something from the USA I paid 20€ when it's at home. For just take the pcb, it's the cheapest. Also, Xenii's screen is what I have. Have a good day!
  14. yqwsyxl driver board

    Is someone has a yqwsyxl ut hdmi035 driver board because I killed mine. (I live in France). Have a good day.
  15. Wiis

    Somebody sell wiis already cut on Aliexpress. Or look on the selling page on the forums.
  16. Wire the led to the g-boy 's pcb

    Hi everibody! I'm actually building a g-boy REV4U but I dont know how to wire the led.Is somebody know how to do ? And also, what is the best led for do this?
  17. Problème with trimm wii

    Sorry, I can't answer your question cause my multimeter is not very good and the voltage vary but I already have voltage.
  18. Problème with trimm wii

    No, but,for do this, I need to desolder all the wires?
  19. Problème with trimm wii

    No,it doesn t.
  20. Problème with trimm wii

    Hi everibody m, I'm creating a g-boy and I trimm a Wii but there is ni signal on the TV. I'm a begginer and I don't know why it doesn't work.If somebody Can help me please.