Story time: I trimmed the board, relocated U10, and connected voltages to the board from the PMS. The board booted, to my delight. But then, disaster struck. I was considering removing the LDO to save some room in my case, and so I was probing with my multimeter to find where the 1.8 V output...
I'm in the process of building my first portable. Although it is a lot of work, I would argue none of the work is especially hard to comprehend. Making a Wii portable seems to be tread ground at this point. You don't need to figure too much out, just do it. To be honest, a very good chunk of the...
Hey y'all, I'm currently working on my Wii portable. There's several sensitive solder joints on the main Wii motherboard. These include AWG 38 magnet wire soldered to tiny AVE pins, as well as that *one* via that you can solder the U10 wire to. Anyone know how to make sure those wires never come...
Q1. It's certainly possible to have 6 cells, but it's kind of impractical. The 18650 cells must people use are somewhat large and heavy, so *portability* can be a bit more difficult to achieve. You'd probably want a 2s3p configuration (2 cells in series to get ~7.4 V, and 3 parallel...
Unfortunately, while doing the soldering, the VSync pin came off my AVE :( Am I fucked in terms of this particular motherboard? I've already enabled the VGA patch in BBLoader and I don't think it's possible to undo that :/
Unfortunately I don't have another "thingy" (you mean a controller board). Other vga displays don't work either. :/ I've run out of troubleshooting ideas so far. I think I'll try the sync wiring once more. It'll kill my soul, but as Wesk said, I should at least be getting a black screen, not the...
@Wesk I redid the sync wiring, unfortunately still nothing :/
@Ginger I missed that! I added a conductor. Doesn't work though just yet, but thanks for that :)
And I know it looks like Hsync is shorting to ground with that solder blob, but it's not.
Hi guys. Unfortunately I'm not getting any video out on my untrimmed Wii. I'm trying to do Aurelio's VGA mod. I enabled it in BBLoader already. I'm using AWG 38 magnet write for some of the lines due to having to solder to vias, and AWG 30 for soldering to pins.
My Wii turns on all right...