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  1. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Yea sadly the ones you gave me the link for are for trimmed ps2 I wasn’t a shell for a non trimmed ps2
  2. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Where is the custom led mods post?
  3. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Ok thanks
  4. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Yea are they for a non trimmed ps2 slim though
  5. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Like files if so yes please
  6. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    Alright appreciate the help
  7. sharby2010

    Question My wii motherboard wont boot after reallocating u10

    every time i try to press the on button on the motherboard, the led goes from red to green then back to red i dont know why can someone help
  8. sharby2010

    Where to find ps2 portable shell

    hello can anyone help me ive been looking for ages for a ps2 portable shell and cant find one can someone point me into the right direction please thanks.
  9. sharby2010

    Question A cheaper alternative to a pms pd 3

    Ok thanks for telling me really appreciate it!
  10. sharby2010

    Question A cheaper alternative to a pms pd 3

    does that mean if i connect 2 batteries in series it will kill the pms?
  11. sharby2010

    Question A cheaper alternative to a pms pd 3

    thankyou bro, you are a lifesaver!
  12. sharby2010

    Question A cheaper alternative to a pms pd 3

    so all i need to power the rvl pms is just a start button and batteries correct me if im wrong?
  13. sharby2010

    Question A cheaper alternative to a pms pd 3

    hi all, i wanted to make my own portable wii and have got a rvl pms, the original one not from 4 layer tech. I was looking online and found out you need a pms pd to run the rvl pms and the pms pd 3 is a bit expensive as to ship to the uk so i was wondering can i just use a charging module from...
  14. sharby2010

    Solved wii trim not working

    If vga is YES that means you are running on vga but you are using composite. Your vga needs to be NO to use composite correct me if I’m wrong?