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  1. Legend

    Worklog Playstation 2 with Playstation 4 controller

    Sad to see your having issues, but this thing is super cool! Great job again! And good luck getting everything sorted!
  2. Legend

    Worklog Playstation 2 with Playstation 4 controller

    Holy batteries! That case is looking clean! Great job!
  3. Legend

    Worklog PS2V

    Heres a little update for you all! This past Christmas break I haven't been doing too much in regards to the project because 2024 was a long year and I needed the break lol but I did do a little bit of stuff and had some idea changes that ill get into now. ill start off with my case. I ordered...
  4. Legend

    Worklog Trimming the Dreamcast Even Further Beyond

    Great work man! The dedication, determination, and perseverance in this project is truly inspiring!
  5. Legend

    Last post wins!

  6. Legend

    Last post wins!

  7. Legend

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Ya know, it's just such a great thing to exist
  8. Legend

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Thank you for existing
  9. Legend

    Question Power Issues on Two Boards

    Let me know how it all goes when assembling them!
  10. Legend

    Question Power Issues on Two Boards

    That's wicked! They turned out pretty good!
  11. Legend

    Worklog PS2V

    Update time! So for the past little bit while ive been waiting for my packages that have been stuck in the strike to come in, I have been diving into the world of C coding, PIC Microcontrollers, and I2C etc. Im happy to say that as a complete beginner to it all, I've been able to interpret code...
  12. Legend

    Question question about joystick

    Yes and no. The ps2 joystick is analog and uses 10k potentiometers for it's signals wheres the switch and vita use digital joysticks, so unfortunately it wouldn't be as easy as just hooking digital sticks up. You would need a whole lot of extra stuff to make it work. The next best thing is the...
  13. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    If your sure everything is okay hardware wise, you could put a disc in it and listen to see if it's spinning as it should when booting a game just to confirm if things work software wise. Again, if your sure on the hardware aspect, it could also be stuck in YpBpR or RGB mode. If it was set to...
  14. Legend

    Release Ps2 voltage regulator board

    The regulators can handle a max input voltage of 17v but the LDO's can only handle 16v max. So the max this board can take is 16v!
  15. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    That is very possible. If everything checks out okay on the hardware side of things, then it's possible something software wise got corrupted. Try testing the resistor arrays that are between the cpu and gpu on both sides of the motherboard. They should be 47 ohm iirc, but if they're not in...
  16. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    Ah okay. At least the console boots but it might be a little harder to narrow down your issue now. Hopefully the DAC isn't fried. Are you getting any activity at all on your TV when turning on the console, or nothing at all?
  17. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    Just to confirm, your console hasn't been otherwise modified has it? Are you testing using the video out port?
  18. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    Glad to hear you got it figured out! Is the DAC getting warm when the console is turned on?
  19. Legend

    PS2 PMS

    Great work! I'm happy to see people are releasing solutions like this for the PS2
  20. Legend

    Board scan BOARD SCAN PS2 90006-90010

    It sounds like the 7.5v rail is either shorted to ground somehow, or you have a faulty LDO. I would test any capacitor connected to the 7.5v rail to see if you can find any shorts to ground and also recheck your fuses (specifically any fuse that might be connected to 7.5v) whereas you put power...