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  1. tankie3k

    Worklog [2024 Contest Entry] WavePhoenix - Open-source implementation of the Nintendo WaveBird protocol

    How far along is the project? From the sound of it he sounds pretty far along. I only recently discovered this project and I'm fine with waiting a year of I need to, as long as it's open source.
  2. tankie3k

    RVLoader v2.1

    Thanks for clarifying, as soon as wave Phoenix comes out, having a fully functional dockable portable is in sight.
  3. tankie3k

    Question A multi-platform portablized console?

    I don't know if that's possible, to keep it portable while having 2+ motherboards would be really large and extremely complicated.
  4. tankie3k

    RVLoader v2.1

    Does anyone know if rvloader patches out composite video when configure for VGA, I had the idea to run RCA through a headphone jack but I'm a bit confused on how the VGA patch works.
  5. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I've been trying with two cells, before I make a rash decision I might harvest a bms from a random lithium ion cell in a old phone first to see if it's just the battery's being low. Btw I really appreciate the help.
  6. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    Seeing as though I already did mx and Bluetooth relocation I might just get a PMS 2 and check Edit: do you know if a broken castell pad can be saved?
  7. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I've taken some final measurements but they don't look promising, my conclusion is that the wii software mod was messed up form the start, or (most probable) the PMS is fried or defective.
  8. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    , awesome. I'll do some more testing but I have a feeling your right.
  9. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I've been able to test with multiple voltages going into the PMS but the charging voltage is always somewhere around the 3.45 mark, I haven't been able to supply higher than 2A though. I've brought the charging voltage into question because the datasheet for the battery says charging voltage is...
  10. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I've done more looking and I'm only reading 3.45v going into the battery from the PMS I can't find what it's supposed to supply though.
  11. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    How do I test the pms, I don't think I've done anything to it nor do any pads look like they're shorting to each other.
  12. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I've had them connected to 15V/2A for a day but the voltage hasn't changed on the batteries. I've had the power supplied to the pms on the charge and ground is that wrong though?
  13. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    how many volts and amps that I should supply to the pms to charge them?
  14. tankie3k

    Anybody know the smallest vga to HDMI converter

    It's cool but he hasn't released the Gerber files, and I don't think it allows video out and charging at the same time
  15. tankie3k

    Anybody know the smallest vga to HDMI converter

    My goal was to build a g-boy with HDMI out by the USB-c port, but after taking measurements the board from shepherd looks a bit big. Would it viable to create a custom PCB to fit power delivery, storage, and video out? or is it smarter to just fit it in somewhere else.
  16. tankie3k

    Anybody know the smallest vga to HDMI converter

    thanks, I forgot how many people have done this before. This community is epic.
  17. tankie3k

    Anybody know the smallest vga to HDMI converter

    The smallest converter board I found is the olimex vga2hdmi but powering the board seems awkward I was wondering if anybody knew of a smaller or better option.
  18. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I have held off on resoldering because I'm not getting any volts out of any of the PMS pads or on the wii itself. I checked resistance again and it seemed fine so I think it comes back to either the battery or power switch. Edit: the battery is only reading 3.48v which ginger in his tutorial...
  19. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    I resoldered the gnd so it doesn't touch 5v but after doing some readings I'm not reading any volts on the motherboard itself on any rails. I have a small hunch it's either the gauge of magnet wire or the button not working. edit: the ground pad was just tinned a while ago so it looks broken.
  20. tankie3k

    Wii not turning on

    Aside from maybe shorting the 1.8v regulator I can't find anything wrong. I'm not reading any volts on the wii itself and the batterys are reading 3.5 volts.