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  1. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    oh yeah, gamepads exist, thanks for all the help today
  2. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    ok, also do you know how I would turn on the console without the power button, the cable came disconnected while I was putting my wii u back together and I cant get it back in
  3. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    does the lolwat guide have the eMMC wiring steps on there? or is that something I would have to figure out myself?
  4. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    when you say finish do you mean the boards not working yet? or just other things?
  5. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    oh ok thanks with the mini trim I might actually be able to shrink the screen size so thats a plus, are you planning to make a guide for that trim or something like it anytime soon?
  6. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    I might research how to split the circut into two and power the wii u through the bistro, then power the screen seperately
  7. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    ok then im just going to go without the disk drive, does it have a way to power both the actual wii and the screen at the same time?
  8. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    yeah, your probably right I hadnt even thought of the power consumption, theres just something nastalgic about sllotting in a disk
  9. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    do you have a link or a place to find bistro, also that trim is exactly what I need, I might even be able to fit the disk drive beside it now. thanks a lot
  10. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    full motherboard just because I dont feel like trimming to the lolwut trim because I want the ports, and I dont know what else I can trim as there isnt really a good guide for a larger scope trim, for the regs I was actually going to ask about that in a bit once I have some other stuff figured...
  11. zrm9901

    Worklog Wii U Tablet

    I have an Idea for a tablet like wii u, where it is the full motherboard (sans disk drive) and a modified heat sink, plus a 10 inch screen on top of it and some ssds for storage, along with all of the other default ports it comes with. you woould still use the gamepad and wiimotes like usual...
  12. zrm9901

    Is video out in a portable possible?

    so in the case of the switch could you wire up the detector to the hotplug thing on the hdmi cable like the vga switch website says and then do something like this? When the switch isnt on it goes straight to a vga display when the switch is on (detects a hdmi cable plugged in) it goes into a...
  13. zrm9901

    Question Tap into hdmi

    So I’m planning on leaving the entire motherboard intact for mi simi-portable, and u want hdmi out, is there a way to do this by tapping into the hdmi out for the screen on the portable, then just leave the hdmi out there? I imagine this probably isn’t the smartest idea, so is there a safer...
  14. zrm9901

    Remove Antennas From Think Over Heatsink

    I’m guessing I need to keep the metal parts intact, in which case, does it matter where they go as long as they aren’t touching any other metal?
  15. zrm9901

    Remove Antennas From Think Over Heatsink

    feSo im slimmin down my wii u and Im just wondering if its safe to remove the wires from the plastic chassis over teh heatsink, in the teardown tutorial im using (anandtech) it says they are wifi anntene and one to interface with the gamepad, can I remove these and replace them with my own?
  16. zrm9901

    Smaller Disk Drive for Wii U

    dang, just took apart the disk drive on my wii u and there is literally no room for slimming it down. geuss ill just have to go disk driveless
  17. zrm9901

    Smaller Disk Drive for Wii U

    because theres something nastalgic to me about booting up mario party 10 to play with my family and hearing the disk drive whir. the wii u was my first console as a kid so it brings back memories
  18. zrm9901

    Smaller Disk Drive for Wii U

    well, the tablets gonna be thick, but itll be worth it to have a cd drive, thanks
  19. zrm9901

    Smaller Disk Drive for Wii U

    I would like to make a semi portable wii u, but the disk drive is just so large, I read somewhere that there were some disk drives that are compatible with it, but after googling multiple different keywords, I get the same either replacements or generic optical drives. anyone know any that are...
  20. zrm9901

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!
