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  1. Supreme Device

    Worklog: Wii U Gamepad Original Screen Custom LCD Driver Board

    Was just thinking today about the possibility of making a custom driver for the gamepad's screen to help with portabilizing, google'd around to see if anyone had done this so far- and came upon this thread! I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor!! Let me know if/when any progress gets made :)
  2. Supreme Device

    Worklog Identifying a Wii's Revision Based off of Serial Numbers

    Revision: RVL-CPU-01 (Both) Serial 1: LU38581469 [8] Serial 2: LU53079935 [1] Color: White (Both)
  3. Supreme Device

    Question Soldering Iron Suggestions

    Would you have any specific recommendations for Hakko irons or can I go with the cheapest legit one and be fine?
  4. Supreme Device

    Question Soldering Iron Suggestions

    Hey, I need a new soldering iron and was wondering which brand I should get. I was thinking about getting this one as it had pretty good reviews, but was wondering if I should try to get a Hakko or Weller iron instead as they seem to be the standard on these forums.
  5. Supreme Device

    Worklog Help Mii (Come up with a better name)

    Thanks for the input, I'll try to take it into consideration! I am aware of the gamepad being in one piece, I currently have it that way so that any adjustments I need to make will be a little quicker, but once I have the design finalized I will split it in half and print them seperately :)...
  6. Supreme Device

    Worklog Help Mii (Come up with a better name)

    Okay, here's some previews of the case I have going so far. I'm basing my case off of a Wii U gamepad because I really enjoy the feeling and size of mine. I still have to model the cutout for my dpad, as the controller I'm salvaging parts from has a weird one, so I haven't decided whether I'm...
  7. Supreme Device

    Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Hey, if I'm using the red CMB board, is it okay for me to use a charger like this, or do I need a smart charger like in the BOM?
  8. Supreme Device

    Worklog Help Mii (Come up with a better name)

    I'm planning on using the red CMB that was linked to in this thread as it looked like it had pretty good reviews in the comments. And thanks! I'm really excited to see how it turns out, I'm just a little anxious because this is my first portable lol.
  9. Supreme Device

    Worklog Help Mii (Come up with a better name)

    I've been planning this for a long time, but am finally starting to get some work done on it. I'm planning on having this in my portable: 5" Screen (16:9) Buttons, triggers, and sticks from a third party GC controller Custom 3D printed case 1 Port Charge&Play 4 18650B's from the BOM GC+ (If...
  10. Supreme Device

    The Unofficial Official BitBuilt Melee Thread

    Man, I wish I could play but my ping with generally anyone isn't that great (and a little erratic) so netplay, while not terrible is also not a very enjoyable experience :P
  11. Supreme Device

    Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Hey, I was looking at the Custom Regulators thread and noticed they didn't show the output capacitor hooked up. Is this how we're supposed to wire up the regulators with both capacitors?
  12. Supreme Device

    Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Hey, would it be okay to use all four of these batteries, one of these protection circuits, and this charger (all from BOM)? I can't tell if any of those is supposed to be for a single cell or not.
  13. Supreme Device

    Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Hey, just wanted to double check, the batteries from the bom are 4 individual cells of 3.7v? So if I wanted to use all four batteries I would run two pairs in series and then run the two pairs in parallel?