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  1. Worklog My first Wii Portable

    Soo after a long time (well over 3 years) I´m back and at a fresh start for my portable. So far I only got the important boards like the PMS-RVL-2, the PMS-USB and battery hocked up to the Wii mainboard and tested if the Wii actually boots up. For a little bit more context I uploaded a Video on...
  2. The Waker v2 - Louii Worklog

    I think you can look up everything about the u-amp here:
  3. Question Wii not booting?

    I was powering the board from the B+ Pin and the pictures will come later becuase I´m at work right now sorry haha
  4. Question Wii not booting?

    Yes it did work at my last test but that was before I chose to put it inside the Louii case, thats why I needed to trimm it even more. wierd now my laboratory power supply shows 0.2A when conected to the power managment board but I didnt even pressed the power button...
  5. Question Wii not booting?

    Ok so the resistence is the same as at the comparesing
  6. Question Wii not booting?

    I'm sorry, old habbit :( I have one other this pic you can See the 1.8v Line, but on my Wii this line is also conected to GND...I dont Think that this is normal
  7. Question Wii not booting?

    So I'm opening this Thread because I need your Help in solving my Problem So here are a few Problem is that I Think the Wii Boots up because The CPU is getting warmer but not to hot at the beginning. But the Problem is that I just dont get a signal I use the Regulator board Designed...
  8. Question RVL Power Management System

    Hello, I cant find the Thermistor of this board (probably lost it lol) so I wanted to buy the Thermistor. Can someone tell me what the name and the specs of this Thermistor are?
  9. Worklog My first Wii Portable

    Wow thanks for testing this for me, that really helped me. About making the portable potrait style, I´ve thought about this for a long time and decided befor making the portable that I dont want to make it portail style. But thanks for warning me, I appreciate it.
  10. Worklog My first Wii Portable

    Wait does this mean that PortablizeMii emulates the gc controller with the wii classic controller?
  11. Worklog My first Wii Portable

    Well yes you are right with the sd card slot. I won´t use it. Thank you for the hint. And I know that using the GC+ board is the best, no the only solution for the 3ds sliders, but I can´t buy the board right now because the store is under maintenance (well you probably know that xD) so I´ve...
  12. Worklog My first Wii Portable

    I´m trying to build my first Wii Portable. The things i want to build in are: OMGWTF trimmed Wii USB Port SD Card slot MX-Chip (Just because i want to use the RT Clock) Bluetooth chip Custom regulators DS lite buttons and 3ds sliders 7,4V 6600A batteries Gamecube controller Wii Classic...