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  1. Discussion Ideas, questions, etc, Post em here!

    @Stitches - As always, thanks so much for your help. After typing it out it felt like the batteries were probably ant least an issue so I (thankfully) stopped trying to charge them and ordered new ones. Hopefully that at least solves this problem, but I’ll probably be back since I never did get...
  2. Discussion Ideas, questions, etc, Post em here!

    I recently tried to power my previously working Ashida on to find that it wouldn’t turn on or charge (the LED did not light, anyway). It had been left in its case for at least 6 months (new baby), so it’s possible the batteries over-discharged. What confuses me is when I plug it into a...
  3. Question Ashida L/R buttons always registering as pressed

    I’m always glad when it’s something simple, but also feel kinda dumb for missing that setting… it’s even in the same menu. Thanks!
  4. Question Ashida L/R buttons always registering as pressed

    Hey, hope someone can help me understand what is happening here: When I go to the button tester in RVLoader, L and R show up with a 255 (which i take to mean that the potentiometer is fully pressed) when they have not been pressed. When i press them slightly, the 255 goes away, but the image...
  5. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    That makes sense, thank you again!
  6. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    Got it, thanks! One last question I had, since you mentioned cooling - a lot of earlier builds use a copper plate between the chips and the finned heatsinks, but I didn’t see that on the BoM. Is that piece recommended/necessary? If so, where should I get it (I didn’t see any in that 35x70mm size...
  7. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    It works! I tried adjusting my U10 relocation, which didn’t help, but remembering what Stitches had said about the importance of ground wires i redid my video signal cable. At first i had mixed 30 and 34 gauge wire because they were different colors (and you can guess which one my ignorant self...
  8. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    Edit: I apparently can’t read. I will do that, too, though. I’m not using it, just using the PMS-lite, but that chip is probably poorly done. Below is the redone U10 connection I did in response to Viilmo’s comments earlier. It’s globby, but seems to be a good connection with no bridging I can see.
  9. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    Switching the solid wire to stranded (and/or cleaning up those joints) and cleaning up the 3.3 line did seem to make a difference; the picture isn’t stable but I could sort of make out the text I expect to appear. Switching the solid wire to stranded (and/or cleaning up those joints) and...
  10. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    Thanks, I had actually initially started trying with the solid core i had on hand and have since switched to 22AWG stranded; the only solid wire I did not swap is the ground (light green). Everything else is stranded 22 gauge and I intend to switch the grounds out, too (just didn’t get there for...
  11. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    That was my first attempt soldering to a via so I taped it down the moment it seemed to hold, but I see what you’re saying. I’ll redo it and report back.
  12. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    I have already connected wires to the SCW/SDW vias but they are not connected to anything on the other end.
  13. Question Help troubleshooting bad video output

    I am working on an Ashida and have a trimmed wii that I plugged in to test and got bad video that doesn’t match anything I’ve seen elsewhere, so I’m hoping someone can tell me what I’ve done wrong. After pressing the power button, the wii turns on and outputs some garbled video, shown below...
  14. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hi, I’m new to this scene and hoping someone will be able to help me troubleshoot my ashida!