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  1. GroovyMusicMan

    Secret Santa 2024: Post/Discuss your gifts here!

    My secret santa went all out. Really cool. I couldn't find the name it was from tho. It came in an Amazon package.
  2. GroovyMusicMan

    My account on discord was hacked, and i got banned.

    That you so much. I won't let it happen again
  3. GroovyMusicMan

    My account on discord was hacked, and i got banned.

    my user name is groovy5893
  4. GroovyMusicMan

    My account on discord was hacked, and i got banned.

    Basically what had happened was, my account got hacked, and I woke up in the morning to find myself banned or muted in Basically every server. Sorry for the disturbance. I've since recovered my account, and added 2 factor authentication. Is there a chance I'll get un banned? If not I understand.
  5. GroovyMusicMan

    Spare wire spools solder, fiberglass pencils, and flux.

    I've got lots of 22awg 34awg magnet wire and I don't remember the other one but I think it's 26. I also have 2 soldering steel wool, 2 fiberglass pencils, a bottle of flux, a spool of soldering tin, and some soldering braid. Plz dm me with an offer, or if you want more pictures. Gotta be at...
  6. GroovyMusicMan

    Question Starting my first portable

    This is a tremendous help, and very detailed. Thanks
  7. GroovyMusicMan

    Secret Santa 2023: Post your gifts here!

    I'm glad it was a good gift, sorry i forgot the username.
  8. GroovyMusicMan

    Secret Santa 2023: Post your gifts here!

    I just got my package today. This was really thoughtful. My favorite albums from both artists (mbdtf and ye, and bad are close seconds) and this midi keyboard is amazing. It will ne really useful. Thanks Icy System. I really appreciate your effort. I couldn't ask for better
  9. GroovyMusicMan

    BitBuilt's 2023 Secret Santa!

    When do the secret Santa picks get announced
  10. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    I've got my buttons tho
  11. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    I've started soldering, and am waiting for pieces to come in the mail. At this point the only thing I'm worried about is the ashida case. I'd like to make some minor cosmetic adjustments to the case. The interior will be unchanged, just adding a custom logo potentially, and some faux retro...
  12. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    I followed this video to attempt checking resistances.( Idk what I'm doing btw ) i have the multimeter set to its last setting i had it on. For the first 6 i had it set to 200 Anyway, idk if I'm using the tool right or not After work I'll make a table like the one on the spread sheet to make...
  13. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    Done sanding. Now I just gotta check resistances. Unfortunately I forgot to get that tool. Idk if I overlooked it in the tool thread, but I'll check that asap. And also remove the chip on the edge that's sanded through if needed
  14. GroovyMusicMan

    Question buying pcb's for the ashida

    Here's the screenshots. I forgot to add them
  15. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    Trimmed. Now to sand. (Does this look right?)
  16. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    Trimming now!!
  17. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    Just re ran the installation of RVLoader enabling both vga and wifi patch. Thanks
  18. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    .....oh no, it just turns on and boots into RVLoader. I haven't been unplugging and replugging it in. But....gee wiz man I should have waited.... Do the lines look right tho lol rip (plz say I don't have to put it back together....)
  19. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    when setting up I left vga enabled.
  20. GroovyMusicMan

    Worklog First potable

    dope. is there a size reccomendation? idk how big game files on average are, so I just got 128gb drive. also I'm about to start doing the wii trim today, so other than the usb drive switch I've got rvloader downloaded and working, and games running. the no wifi patch. is there anything I need...