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  1. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Did you enable VGA? If so, what are you using for connecting video?
  2. Aurelio

    Ghosts SSWiiT Revitalized

  3. Aurelio

    RVLoader GC2WiiMote Config Generator v1.1

    Very cool!
  4. Aurelio

    Question RVL-DD info

    You can choose in the game settings from RVLoader if you want to force horizontal stretching or keep the game resolution intact and have black bars. As of now, you can only change the LCD backlight brightness on the fly with Z+X+Up/Down 480i is supported by implementing line doubling, though...
  5. Aurelio

    Question Wii Direct Drive/MX Chip Serial Pin Conflict

    Yeah it doesn't matter which way you connect the two, just don't use too long wires
  6. Aurelio

    Question Wii Direct Drive/MX Chip Serial Pin Conflict

    There is no compatibility issue between the two devices. Those lines are used only on boot to send the bitstream to the RVL-DD, then not anymore. You can wire DI and CK to both devices.
  7. Aurelio

    Question Possible direct drive alternative?

    We aren't really including development costs in our price, as those get compensated with time. When pricing something like this you have to take into account multiple factors, including the BOM, the assembly costs, margin to cover defective units and more others. On top of that there's of course...
  8. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Mind sharing your save with me so I can test?
  9. Aurelio

    Question Wii SCW and SDW problem

    Post some pictures of your wiring. Maybe they are just too long
  10. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Just released a minor update: Changelog:
  11. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Wiimote shake is implemented, nunchuck shake not ye
  12. Aurelio

    Remembering Doom

    Doom was the kind of guy who was able to befriend everyone. Back when BitBuilt launched and I joined we immediately started memeing like we have known each others for years. That's just what he used to do, with everyone. He was a great guy and he will be missed. Rest in piece Jason, I promise I...
  13. Aurelio

    Worklog [2024 Contest Entry] FPGA 2D console

    It's finally time to post my entry for the summer building contest. This is an idea that has been on my mind for years and I have finally decided to start working on it. I have always wanted to make an FPGA based 2D videogame console. This has nothing to do with MiSTer or any other FPGA...
  14. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    You should not install any cios with RVLoader, you might actually break things. Metroid prime trilogy doesn't work currently with GC2Wiimote
  15. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Does it happen with all japanese games or some in particular? Can you tell me which ones you were trying?
  16. Aurelio

    Question USB MUX?

    The datasheet has all the answers you need. S allows you to select which port to connect to D+/D- (low/GND for port 1, high/Vcc for port 2). OE is the Output Enable, connect it to ground to enable to chip
  17. Aurelio

    Question USB MUX?

    It works both ways
  18. Aurelio

    RVLoader v2.1

    Hold reset while booting to boot into priiloader. Wait abut 15 seconds and press reset again, it will boot into the system menu. Sync your wiimote there
  19. Aurelio

    Worklog [2024 Contest Entry] Xbox Portable: Second Chance

    Hell yeah! Good luck on finishing this year