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  1. Fisatec

    N64 portable - PMS Questions

    Thanks a lot, that's very helpful :) UPDATE: I assembled another PMS Board and flashed it without any problems. It's working as intended. The DuPont-Pins did not fit, so I had to use some Diode-Legs instead. Thanks :)
  2. Fisatec

    N64 portable - PMS Questions

    Thank you very much for your reply. I didn't even know that the board has to be programmed :XD: Can you tell me how to perform the firmware installation?
  3. Fisatec

    N64 portable - PMS Questions

    Hi @all, yesterday I tried to assemble the custom N64-PMS as shown in the picture below. I never did SMD soldering before and fitting all the parts was hard for me. I got some bridges, but managed them with some flux and hot air. Now there are some questions/problems: 1. I attached the...
  4. Fisatec

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hi @all, this forum attracted my interest by "accident". I was looking for a N64 Handheld and was just blown by the N64HH-built. Hopefully I will get it managed to build my own N64HH. Best regards Fisatec