
  1. cinnamon_path

    Question Noldendo Wii Micro don't boot

    Hello, everyone. I have been in looking in the forum for a few months already and recently decided to start my first project, that is the Wii Micro, using, of couse, a 6 layers board. I went throught all the procedure to jailbreak the console and install the RVload and patch out the WiFi...
  2. Question 6layer trimmed Wii power draw?

    Looking for an at-the-wall power draw estimate (wattage) for a 6-layer micro console playing a game (like mario galaxy). Already did my trim and am just waiting for my pcbs to get in but realized that most numbers are probably for 4 layer wiis. I might have to implement USBC PD logic instead...
  3. nobble

    Worklog MiiNii GiiCii: A theme within a meme.

    Hey BB! @Postman and I have been hard at work in the Mod Station cooking up new memes for all the goodbois! This one is a twist on a twist on hotdogs. :rothink: I found a Raspberry Pi case online that looks like a mini GC, someone then modified it for a SBC to emulate GC. The modified version...
  4. Question Trim help

    I trimmed my wii(6layer) but now it won't power on plz help.could this likely be caused by not sanding with the right grit? Or did I just cut something important? Unless I have to if rather not do the omgwtf trim. This trim will fit fine in my case.