
  1. vladimir_pootis

    Solved wii menu not working

    so y was playing sonic colors. then y went to the Wii menu re organize some stuff there. then y was going to shutdown the system but y had sonic colors inside so y pressed eject and immediately after pressed the power button (y do this in my ps3 but it works because it takes ages to turn off)...
  2. Dynamic_Hayden

    Solved Wii error code 32007 help

    Hi, I am trying to update my Wii to 4.3, and every time I attempt an update I get error code 32007. The progress bar doesn't even really move before this happens. Most online recources say that this is because of a softmod update blocker but I have tried to boot into priiloader by holding down...
  3. samzelf

    Question What causes this ingame error?

    Dear portablizers, I thought that I finished the portable (OMGWTF trim) that has been waiting uncompleted on the shelf for two years. But I seem to get an ingame (GC) error every time when I play for a few minutes: An error has occurred. Turn the Power Off and check the Nintendo GameCube...
  4. WillF

    Question [Not modified yet] Wii not working Black screen

    Here’s a Wii I will be using to make the G Boy Wii portable. I just bought this on eBay and the seller said that the system has a broken disc drive but works and boots into the menu. But when I power it on it only shows a black screen. I tried using a different composite and component cable, I...
  5. Viktor

    Solved Portablizemii error

    When trying to install no wifi ioses to portablize mii, following error appears, and i was wondering how to solve it:
  6. Honzapat

    Question "Exception (DSI) Occurred!" on anything

    Hi I have "small" problem previously i have installed cIOS 235, d2x, and 3 noWifi_cIOS files, which did not worked as expected and i installed portablizeMii the normal way but whatever i opened wii game EmuNand homebrew app through it, it print "Exception (DSI) Occurred!" and returns to...
  7. JayCantPlay

    Question PSP go Pre project troubleshooting

    Hey everyone, I've made this thread because I've encountered an important and puzzling problem, which to my knowledge no one has experienced before. So, I disassembled my PSP go with great care and, after taking a look around the board, noticed a major problem. The system refused to switch on...
  8. Drummer123

    Question Problem with booting up Wasp

    Hello, I started this project about 3 months and will be posting a work log of my project in the near future. But anyways, after wiring and positioning everything and turning on the gamecube, I am stuck with an error involving the screen and wasp. Does anyone know why swiss doesn't boot up and...