
  1. Question Looking for 3d model of GBA shell

    I can't find any 3d models of a gba shell that aren't either really bad, unusable, inaccurate, or cost money. If anyone has a 3d model for the shell please dm me on discord, my user is HippieHater97
  2. Madmorda

    Silicone Molds for resin casting buttons

    Hello! I am taking a break from resin casting for a little bit, and figured I would offer up some of my molds in case anyone is interested. These molds were made with Alumilite, and were almost all cured in a pressure pot (maybe 2-3 individual pieces were not). I have listed individual prices...
  3. Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] GB Palm Pico

    Despite entering last year and doing little more than picking up a soldering iron for the first time, I’m back again to try and make something. The project I have in mind is named the GB Palm Pico. It’s a tiny, Gameboy emulator that can be played with one hand, hopefully to a decent level of...
  4. Wesk

    Model Gameboy Pocket Scan (IPS Screen)

    Gameboy Pocket Scan (IPS Screen) Contains: Gameboy Pocket Scan Front Gameboy Pocket Scan Back Gameboy Pocket Scan Battery Cover Specs: These are high poly scans, average poly count per mesh is about 2,500,000 triangles. NOTE: 3D scans aren't perfect, if light cannot hit certain parts...
  5. rand0mcit

    FPGA-based Gameboy clone

    Hi all, I'd like to tell you about the FPGA-based Gameboy clone that I'm currently building. I started this project because I wanted to learn how to build a handheld console and also because I'd like to play my Gameboy games on a nice big screen. Main goals for this project: Run Gameboy games...
  6. Wesk

    Model Gameboy Camera Cartridge Scan

    Gameboy Camera Cartridge Scan Contains: Gameboy Camera Cartridge Front Gameboy Camera Cartridge Back Gameboy Camera Cartridge Camera Dome Back Gameboy Camera Cartridge Camera Dome Front Gameboy Camera Cartridge Camera Dome Lense Specs: These are high poly scans, average poly count per...
  7. Wesk

    Model DMG GameBoy Scan

    DMG GameBoy Scan Contains: DMG Front DMG Back DMG Battery Cover Specs: These are high poly scans, average poly count per mesh is about 2,500,000 triangles. NOTE: 3D scans aren't perfect, if light cannot hit certain parts of the object then the scan will contain 'Blobs' in those areas...
  8. Wesk

    Model GBC Console Scan

    GBC Console Scan 3D scan data. Contains: GBC Console Front GBC Console Back Specs: These are re-meshed versions of the original scans, they contain a lower poly count to be easier to work with but are virtually identical to the raw scans. Average poly count per mesh is about 600,000...
  9. Madmorda

    Worklog Madmorda's WiiBA

    I'm a little late to start my worklog, but I hope to actually finish my entry this year! I'm building something I've been wanting to build for a long time: a Gameboy Advance shaped Wii portable. My main idea here is to try and keep both the size and the shape accurate to the original GBA without...
  10. Jamesyplays

    Worklog Gameboy Pocket Lite

    Hey guys, after being registered here for a bit, and saying hello in the forums, I thought I’d share a project I’ve been planning and working on over the last few months that’s nearing completion. I generally have really gotten into the gameboy macro scene - you can see what I’ve been doing...
  11. MomSpaghetti

    Worklog GameBoy 64!

    Hey! Welcome to my 1st(Successful) portable Nintendo 64 Console called the Gameboy 64! It was named like that because of how it's handled like a gameboy advance! I worked on this unit for 3-4 weeks to finish including the case design and everything, but didn't want to post a worklog until i...
  12. nobble

    Mini Gameboy Home Console: The Gamebox DMG Consolizer

    Here's my newest Gameboy mod! It's a Consolized DMG using Easy_VGA and a Pro Micro to enable gameplay with a NES controller. This was built based off of the info HERE. Big thanks to @seerofvoid420 for helping with the board tracings, and @Postman and uXe for helping me finalize the code. This...
  13. nobble

    Board scan Consolized Gameboy Guide: Wiring a NES controller to a DMG

    Hey BB, As (hopefully) you all know, I love Gameboy modding with an undying passion. It was my first ever console. My first venture was a dual clock mod for the Gameboy pocket years back. This post has board scans of both the front lcd, and back cartridge PCBs. Along with info and diagrams...
  14. DeoNaught

    bt Modules, Wifi Modules, and a set of clear Gamecube buttons

    Hello friends, I'm selling some stuff, to clean out my desk, and get some money for my projects. I have a couple Wii bluetooth modules, and wifi modules(and antenna's). $2.50 for a module, plus whatever shipping is. I am also selling my set of Alibaba Clear Gamecube buttons for $10, but that...
  15. Katherine worth

    Selling gameboy color [open]

    i still have a gameboy color looking for a meme home as I don’t use it It works perfectly fine but the buttons have been colored in white and the top screen has some scratches both of which are cheap easy fixes I don’t really know what it’s worth but I’m willing to look at any offers I just...
  16. Katherine worth

    selling 2 gameboys (color and a backlit pocket)

    i bought these 2 gameboys and i greatly regret it as i never use them i much prefer my advances sp one is a lime gameboy color exterior problems(colored in buttons and a scratched to screen easy and cheap fixes) but works perfectly fine ive never had a problem with it second is a silver...
  17. Madmorda

    Model Hoenn Region National Pokedex Gameboy

    These are the files for the Hoenn Region National Pokedex that I am building for the Hack Like Heck contest. I am using this to house a Raspberry Pi 3 with a 3.5" screen, but I have intentionally left out any screwposts for the pi and used very generic parts for all of the ports. The idea behind...
  18. nobble

    Nobble's RetroPie Futureboy DMG RPi3 Handheld (ENTRY 4 HACK LIKE HECK)

    AWWW SHIIIII-! GET YOUR TOWELS READY, IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN! ( ͠° ͜ʖ ͡°) NOBBLE HAS STEPPED UP TO THE CHALLENGE! Alright folks, Ben Heck doesn't give a hack anymore. Now is the time for us in the modding community to RISE UP by blowing the minds of unknowingly innocent normies with our...
  19. Madmorda

    Hoenn National Pokedex Gameboy

    Hey guys! This is going to be my written worklog for my entry into the Hack Like Heck competition. It will be more detailed than my video entry for anyone who wants to duplicate the project later. The goal is to create a handheld gaming system within a month, so I will be making a Raspberry Pi...
  20. Katherine worth

    Question Gameboy advanced so price help?

    i bought a gameboy advanced sp and I’m really curious of the value and if I overplayed or got a good deal It’s a light blue with ags 101 The stickers are missing off it but all damage is cosmetic only it works perfectly fine What is the average price it would go for? I wouldn’t really be...