
  1. R. G. Marigold

    How would you make a circuit "self-destruct" safely?

    I need to figure this out for a non-console related project, I thought I'd try asking this here. In essence, I need to make a circuit physically destroy itself on command, preferably only a cheap component so that it could be quickly reset by replacing it (the circuit will be on a breadboard)...
  2. vladimir_pootis

    Solved wii menu not working

    so y was playing sonic colors. then y went to the Wii menu re organize some stuff there. then y was going to shutdown the system but y had sonic colors inside so y pressed eject and immediately after pressed the power button (y do this in my ps3 but it works because it takes ages to turn off)...
  3. CosmicRazberry

    Question Fan Issue on first Ashida

    Hey all quick question. I am putting together my Ashida and I have been running test a various stages. At this point I have the PMS, Ashida interface, and PD3 all in the case with the batteries hooked up and the system boots into RVLloader. But the fan is behaving strangely. It starts at...
  4. Question Wii trim not outputting video test

    Good day everyone. I will try to explain this as well as possible. I want to preface this by saying that this is my 3rd ashida build. I trimmed the Wii and tested the resistances like usual. All seemed well there, with the exception of the 3.3v being around 7.4k. Anyway, I soldered a test...
  5. 64Yoshi64

    Question No video output on AV

    So, I wanted to test my trimmed wii. In order to do so I wired up my wii to the pms lite according to the documents om I've left out the fan, sd-card reader and the light. I've added the av-cable and connector according to the ginger of vods video...
  6. Bryceshaw06

    Question [HELP] Ashida has lines on bottom of display every few boots

    Hello everyone! I recently finished my Ashida, and I’m super happy with it! There's just one issue I’ve been pulling my hair out over, and I would like some advice on troubleshooting it. Every few boots (I'd say about 1 every 5) the bottom of my display will have lines appear. They are locked in...
  7. Screen Lines Issue

    I accidentally pushed the X button too hard and pushed back the pcb. After that the screen now does this. Does anyone have any ideas? Get a new screen? Rewire something? Thank you for reading!
  8. porc

    Question 2 hours of sanding but 1V is still shorted

    First timer here. I'm working on a Wii-in-GameCube project based on Nold's Miicro and I just trimmed my 6-layer board but even after 2+ hours of sanding my 1V is still shorted to ground. I'm hoping someone can help me troubleshoot this and figure out how to find and fix the short. All other...
  9. Princess Jellyfish

    Stripped screws

    So I have been a lurker on the site or a long while, and I wanted to do a project and I finally for one of the first times in my life I have the funds to make a wii electronics project, but as I was opening my wii, the the tri wing screws feel either stuck or basically stripped, so what are some...
  10. harutoch

    Question Best first portable?

    Hi, I'm brand new to portablizing and wanted some help with choosing what to build as my first portable. I really want to make a louii, as i love the look of it and the customization, but I heard it's not the best for beginners like me. I saw the Ashida, and I think it's okay but I don't really...
  11. harutoch

    Question Help with making a portable

    Hi, I'm currently thinking of making a wii portable. I'm getting a job soon (under 18), so I plan to save up about $600 to make a portable. I have no knowledge in making a portable, but I am willing to learn. I'm attempting to make a Louii as I love the design of it. do I have to buy custom...
  12. DiamondBuildsWii202

    Question Solder recommendations?

    My solder doesn't work very well. The fan connection sometimes doesn't work and it doesn't stick on to the bms. Does anyone know a cheap and easy to find solder?
  13. DiamondBuildsWii202

    Question Did I break the fan?

    Today I was doing a few experiments with my untrimmed wii motherboard and I foolishly tried to connect 2 fans at the same time (both required 5v) and the system crashed. When I turned it back on the fan wasn't working anymore. I tried to see if the fan or the connector broke and the fan was fine...
  14. ModManMac

    Question Z Tactile Buttons

    so after assembling the boards i noticed i mixed up the tactile switches from the screen controls and the Z buttons. ordering a new set of switches, does anyone have any advice for how to mount them ? i read through the forums and found a post where @Wesk said to bend the pins to make it fit, i...
  15. Question Would acrylic paint be suitable for design on portable?

    For my Ashida I'm making, my girlfriend will be helping me paint the case. So far, our idea is to cover it with a light blue spray paint and then put a design on the middle of the bottom half. For the light blue I've decided to use testors or tamiya (I haven't decided so if anyone has...
  16. kingderp2

    Question Help choosing mosfet for screen shutoff

    Hey everybody. So I want to use a mosfet to turn off my screen using the HPD pin on my HDMI-out port. Been looking into it for a while and still pretty confused on some of the terminology and what exactly I should be searching for on Digikey to find an appropriate mosfet to use. I've drawn up a...
  17. Skeletonicus

    Worklog Skeleton 64 Portable

    I'm looking for a 64amp and a 64pms and have had no luck finding the parts elsewhere. I would prefer to have the boards preprogrammed so that they are ready for use when I receive them, as i have no experience in making/programming boards. If you are willing to help, then please PM me! I have...
  18. watermwlon1732

    Question I need help with the bt module

    I bought a board from eBay the seller sent me the wrong board so they sent me a replacement, but the bt module connector showed up ripped off the pad and I haven’t done anything soldering work on it yet, so I’m wondering what to do so it can boot?
  19. Dozzi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    I have a question as I am currently planning everything out as a beginner to build the Ashida Wii Portable. I am wondering where to get the shell 3d printed for good quality and extra tools I may need besides the essentials. I have a $750 budget for everything (I'm willing to spend some more on...
  20. Dynamic_Hayden

    Question What 3d printer is best for portable cases

    I'm getting tired of paying pcbway absorbent amounts for 3d prints so I think its finally time I get a 3d printer of my own. So I got some questions about 3d printers I hope you wont mind answering. -Which 3d printer should I get with no previous experiences 3d printing -Which filament...