
  1. The Next Guy

    Discussion Adding PTH to the BitBuilt store

    Since the PTH regulators can be purchased for a significantly reduced price when bought in bulk, I figure that it would be somewhat profitable and cheaper. I would love to see this get put into action, though it may not happen.
  2. Madmorda

    Wiip theme ideas?

    So as you guys know, I'm working on a wii portable that is going to look like a larger version of a ds lite. I paint and customize consoles in my spare time, and I'd like to bring that into my portable. So, I want to try and find a "theme" that fits my portable. Does anybody have any ideas? I'd...
  3. The Next Guy

    Guide Gamecube Breakout Box

    So you are making a portable and everything is going well. Half way through you decide that you want the ability to have multiple controllers connect to your portable; oh no, you don't have any more room but for one extra port because you didn't plan it out in the beginning. Or perhaps you made...
  4. Toaster912

    Solved Preparing for trim

    I have a question that I have wondered for along time, should I take off these parts? Or can I just take it off with pliers? Thanks
  5. Toaster912

    Solved Wii portable trimming

    Hi, how do I take out the GameCube ports when I am trimming? Is it really necessary to take it out when I do the OMGWTF trim for my 6 layer board? Thanks
  6. Ikeprodigy

    Question Did I Screw Up?

    Jesus! I had no idea that cutting the motherboard was going to be so difficult! I have a 6-layer board and I initially thought it'd be a cakewalk... I was wrong. My dremel veered off course occasionally and I managed to knock off a couple components. My question is, what can I do to possibly get...
  7. Question Trim help

    I trimmed my wii(6layer) but now it won't power on plz help.could this likely be caused by not sanding with the right grit? Or did I just cut something important? Unless I have to if rather not do the omgwtf trim. This trim will fit fine in my case.
  8. honeybun

    The Unofficial Official BitBuilt Melee Thread

    Hey friends, I've played Melee with ShockSlayer for years now and we decided we wanted to bring it to BitBuilt, potentially with a future in holding competitions, regular friendlies, etc. For those of you familiar with competitive Melee already, I use Smash Ladder for netplay practice. A...
  9. BocuD

    Worklog The Nintendo Swiitch - BocuD's first Wii portable

    Hey everyone, here i will be posting all of my shitty work on my duct taped together Wii Portable.
  10. Toaster912

    Question Custom Regulators

    Hi, does anyone know were to get custom regulators after installing PortablizeMii? And how to hook it up? Thanks
  11. Toaster912

    Solved PortablizeMii Freezing

    Hi, when I installed PortablizeMii on my Wii it freezes at the "Configuration file created successfully" page and I don't know what to do at this point. Please any help is appreciated. Thanks
  12. Toaster912

    Question SD card slot

    I think my SD Card slot is dirty what can I clean it with? And that's probably why portablizemii isn't showing up:/ is it that dirty?
  13. Worklog Wii Book

    the specs of the book 10.1 inch lcd battery pack internal usb hdd more coming soon :P (Log 1 )Wii LAPTOP EARLY PROOF OF CONCEPT 4K (nothing is broken yet hahahahahahahaha) more pictures and logs coming soon :)
  14. pipbug

    Best place to get rubber tact switches in Canada?

    Most places (including the ebay link from Gmans BOM) that supply squishy tact switches are suuuper expensive here ($30 shipping on a $5 purchase..) Suggestions?
  15. pipbug

    Question Is this heatsink too small?

    Planning on guiding the air out the bottom of the case (when I make it). Is this heatsink too small?
  16. pipbug

    Question could i trim this part?

    My motherboard is untrimmed but this is the only part is want to trim. would i have to rewire anything? thanks
  17. pipbug

    Question Anyone know what this thing does?

    It plugs into the Wii drive. Is it for the Wiimote?
  18. pipbug

    Discussion Case airflow & thermal discussion

    Positive (pulling fresh air in) airflow vs negative (pushing hot air out) airflow in a portable? Best heatsink configuration, thermal compound, etc? Noise & heat is a concern to some people when making a portable; what do you go about doing personally? Do you care much? Discuss :P
  19. pipbug

    Question Wii Portable Battery

    So I discovered that you can buy "18650" 3.7V Li-ion cells (5800mah/per cell apparently) for really cheap here in Canada, plus they're quite small. Four of them wired in series can supply 14.8V... a good amount to give to a Wii portable, no? Wondering if any of you have done this or if it's a...
  20. Question Brickless-Power

    Since I'm dealing with power here I decided it better to ask first instead of just winging it. I'm hoping to achieve power without a brick, like Gman's Wii Micro. How should I go about this? What would I need? IIRC wii portables run off less than 2 amps, so could I just get a 12v 2 amp power...