Been a little absent from the BitBuilt community the past couple of months due to a number of things (School, Work, Father passing, and Depression). But i'm back and with more projects than ever before (New and Improved with 40% more projects) so i decided instead of running several concurrent worklogs for my projects I would stick with just two. This showcase of a worklog featuring not 1 but 3 portables, 1 controller, and a micro sized console. and a Summer contest worklog (insert link here)
So without further ado. Welcome to the Advent Project Emporium (APE does not take any responsibility for damages or shock caused by the contents of the Emporium, Patrons scroll at their own risk)
'Warning contains puns'
Gamecube Micro
Progress: On-going 80% complete
Gamecube Joy-cons - HD Remaster
Progress: Original: On-going 70% complete
Progress: HD Remaster: On-going 20% complete
Louii handheld clone - Space themed
Progress: On-going 60% complete
Classic G-Wii build
Progress: On-going 55% complete
WiiSPii build
Progress: On-going 50% complete
Well that's it from me, hopefully you enjoyed your visit to the Emporium, your patronage is appreciated as is your feedback on anything you saw today.
We Hope to see you again soon
So without further ado. Welcome to the Advent Project Emporium (APE does not take any responsibility for damages or shock caused by the contents of the Emporium, Patrons scroll at their own risk)
'Warning contains puns'
Gamecube Micro
Progress: On-going 80% complete
Simple Gamecube Micro project designed by @Wesk
Still has work to do (internals) Wii is waiting to be trimmed to fit, now that i finally have the AVEflex boards from @YveltalGriffin (thanks mate), postage is stupid in the age of Covid, i purchased the boards from them back in January.
Decided to customise a GC controller to go with the GCMicro. Would have loved to do i mini controller like @Madmorda but alas the thumbsticks they used in thiers seem to be impossible to get now
Had a chance to use a laser cutter at work so i decided to make the Gamecube jewel out of acrylic and laser etch the logo into it. (and damn if that don't look amazing)
Still a little bit of sanding and cleanup to do on the shell. Also the controller and usb ports look like 2 concerned androids
Still has work to do (internals) Wii is waiting to be trimmed to fit, now that i finally have the AVEflex boards from @YveltalGriffin (thanks mate), postage is stupid in the age of Covid, i purchased the boards from them back in January.
Decided to customise a GC controller to go with the GCMicro. Would have loved to do i mini controller like @Madmorda but alas the thumbsticks they used in thiers seem to be impossible to get now

Had a chance to use a laser cutter at work so i decided to make the Gamecube jewel out of acrylic and laser etch the logo into it. (and damn if that don't look amazing)
Still a little bit of sanding and cleanup to do on the shell. Also the controller and usb ports look like 2 concerned androids
Gamecube Joy-cons - HD Remaster
Progress: Original: On-going 70% complete
Progress: HD Remaster: On-going 20% complete
We all know the amazing word done by @Shank on the GC Joy-cons. But as stated by shank themselves the project is difficult, time consuming and there is no detailed information on how to build them.
So just like game companies remastering classic games, I have decided to Remaster the GC Joy-con. Im using the excellent work done by shank as a starting point and am hoping to create a detailed worklog with all the information that others will need to be able to use it to build their own. I fully expect this project to take awhile and require many iterations to make it.
Stay tuned
So just like game companies remastering classic games, I have decided to Remaster the GC Joy-con. Im using the excellent work done by shank as a starting point and am hoping to create a detailed worklog with all the information that others will need to be able to use it to build their own. I fully expect this project to take awhile and require many iterations to make it.
Stay tuned
Louii handheld clone - Space themed
Progress: On-going 60% complete
I have long liked the look of the Louii console build by @GingerOfOz. So i decided it was time i started building another portable, putting into use the lessons i learnt building the Aran i made last year.
And since i had access to a UV printer at the place i was working at i thought why not make it special. So i present to you my Louii portable case. The Nintendo Galaxwii.
Waiting on parts to continue with the portable, specifically circuit boards from JLCPCB and the screen.
And since i had access to a UV printer at the place i was working at i thought why not make it special. So i present to you my Louii portable case. The Nintendo Galaxwii.
Waiting on parts to continue with the portable, specifically circuit boards from JLCPCB and the screen.
Classic G-Wii build
Progress: On-going 55% complete
Classic G-Wii that almost everyone has build. kinda feels like a right of passage. So i decided that it was time to build one as well.
But i decided to jazz it up a bit. Metal thumbstick in metallic purple
, Metal sticker of the GC Logo to go on the screen bezel (not pictured), and More UV printing on the back of the case of the Aurora Borealis. Which incidently gives the console its name " Nintendo Bore'wii'alis"
As with the Galaxwii console im waiting on parts to continue the build.
But i decided to jazz it up a bit. Metal thumbstick in metallic purple

As with the Galaxwii console im waiting on parts to continue the build.
WiiSPii build
Progress: On-going 50% complete
With the release of the files by @StonedEdge I decided to push myself and build the amazing WiiSPii. This is going to be a long-term ongoing project due to the shortage of DirectDrives.
But i won't let that stop me from continuing the build. Currently printed in white resin for the bottom and translucent super tough resin for the screen and buttons, unfortuntely the screen warped during the printing process and needs to be re printed, and StonedEdge informed me of an error in the base 3D model and so that needs to be reprinted as well. so this is very much an in-progress build. But the circuit boards are now on their way from JLCPCB, now I just need to buy the components to populate it
But i won't let that stop me from continuing the build. Currently printed in white resin for the bottom and translucent super tough resin for the screen and buttons, unfortuntely the screen warped during the printing process and needs to be re printed, and StonedEdge informed me of an error in the base 3D model and so that needs to be reprinted as well. so this is very much an in-progress build. But the circuit boards are now on their way from JLCPCB, now I just need to buy the components to populate it

Well that's it from me, hopefully you enjoyed your visit to the Emporium, your patronage is appreciated as is your feedback on anything you saw today.
We Hope to see you again soon
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