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Announcing BitBuilt’s First Building Competition!


Jan 16, 2016
The World Wide Web
It may only be March, but summertime is approaching rapidly. School is winding down for the year and the weather is getting warmer. What a perfect time to sit in your room and mod a console!

This summer, BitBuilt will be hosting it’s first ever building competition. The contest will begin (although, it’s not a bad idea to start collecting supplies now!) on April 1st (no joke) with registration. Each user will have to register for the contest in advance in order to get a slot. The winners will be placed 1st – 3rd this time around and we’ll have great prizes to give out. Not only that, but the winners will also be given these exclusive user banners and the option to have their name color changed much like the staff badges are.



The contest will have a very small entry fee of $2. This is to cover the shipping costs of the prizes going out. We will be announcing more in the coming weeks. This contest is exclusively for portable consoles*, a separate contest will be hosted at a later time for general console mods to make sure everyone is included.

The current rules for the contest (may be subject to change) are as follows:
  1. ALL work must be done by you. That means no commissioning to wire up your board or make your case. We want everyone to have a fair chance!
  2. The highest placing participants will get first pick at the prize pool. The 1st place winner will get first dibs, then second, and then third. The amount of prizes for each place is still TBD.
  3. A build log, which must include WIP pictures, will be requested upon your project submission. This is to prevent people from cheating. (It’s also recommended that you take pictures with a note card or piece of paper visible that reads “USERNAME, BitBuilt Contest 2016”)
More information will be coming out in the next few weeks. As we get closer to registration, we’ll start revealing prizes and let you know more when we can.

It’s going to be an awesome summer!

– The Staff
*Portable does not mean it has to include internal batteries
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