Okay, I've read through the Definitive Wii Trimming Guide, and I think I'm ready to trim my Wii board but I'd like to do a sanity check before I start doing things that are gonna be hard to undo. Please let me know if I'm missing any steps or if I'm just wrong about anything.
I've installed rvloader and selected no wifi and enabled VGA. I've confirmed rvloader runs as expected.
Since I'm going to use the rvl-pms-lite, I do NOT need to relocate U10, correct? Also, I do NOT need to create custom regulators (as mentioned in the trimming guide). Is that correct?
Since I'm using the pms-pd, I do NOT need to do anything with the Wii USB ports or SD card slot, correct?
Since I'm not planning on using wireless controllers on my Ashida, I do NOT need to do anything with the Bluetooth adapter, correct?
Lastly, is there anything I need to do with the Wii motherboard in order to use VGA? I'm using the 5" IPS screen and driver board from 4 layer if that makes a difference.
Sorry for the long post. I just want to make sure I'm clear before I start cutting things.
Thanks for your help!