Hi there everyone!
I'm Virtvic - I used to host the Ten Pence Arcade Podcast (for ten years!), but now write a Tinkerer's blog on Substack.
I mod, make, review, repair consoles, arcade machines etc. I am a CNC machinist by trade and only really dabble in the electronics side - but I now most basics enough to make things work (sort of). I have a Bambulab P1S with AMS and am pretty good at 3d modelling with CAD CAM, because of my job.
I am currently in the middle of making a NES portable. It started off as me using a Nintendo NES Mini Classic, but those things are horrible to work with and I abandoned it after hitting too many brick walls. The hand held is now powered by a Pico Pi and a Pimoroni pico DV demo base. I know it's emulation - but it's a start into hand held building. I normally make larger projects - hopefully the next one will be a re-cased famicom.
Hopefully I'll get some inspiration from you experts on here!
A blog about video games. Arcade & console. Modding, hacking, making, reproducing and even playing. Click to read Virtvic’s Tinkerings, by Victor, a Substack publication. Launched 5 months ago.