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Question Need help with parts for a wii handheld

Oct 11, 2024
a pond
I am making a Wii handheld and need some help with a few parts:
- What screen would work best for fitting inside a WiiU gamepad?
- What is the easiest and least expensive way to add power to the handheld? Would it be in any way possible to reuse the Wii's regulators? I need a charging circuit and regulator circuit.
- Once I fully trim the board, how can I sync a Wii remote? Is there some sort of software button in RVLoader?
- How can I connect a custom controller via the gamecube data lines? Is it possible with a RP2040
And most importantly:
- How should I decide on a name?


May 10, 2019
Canada Boi
Welcome to bitbuilt! I'll try to answer some of your questions

As for the Wii U screen, i can't advise on that but I recommend going through the worklogs and reading them as there have been users who have used the Wii U gamepad in their portables, so you should be able to find information there!

As for your power solution, there really isn't an inexpensive way to power your trim and it is more work to use the wiis regulators (if even possible) rather than buying one of the many great solutions people have out there. I really recommend saving up and going with the RVL-PMS 2 with the PMS-PD 3 from 4layertech.com as those will be your best options in terms of safety and features when it comes to powering your trim. The PMS-Lite is a little cheaper but doesn't offer as many features as the PMS 2.

There is a user on here who has an aliexpress store that sells a cheaper power solution but I cannot advise on how it works or it's features. Here's the link though if you want to give it a look:

As for syncing your wiimote you will have to relocate the Bluetooth module to be able to use a wiimote in your project. Also syncing is not done via software. If you have a wiimote already synced to your BT module, it will work if you relocate the bt module after you trim, however if you need to resync, or sync a new wiimote, you'll need to wire a button or something similar between 3v3 and the sync pad on the Bluetooth module. Take a look at the wii trimming guide and you'll see what I'm saying.

As for the gamecube controller: again, I recommend using the GC+ 2.0 from 4layertech.com as that will be your best option. Alternatively I believe the aliexpress store I linked above does have an RP2040 based controller solution, but I cannot advise on it.

And for a name, the running meme around here is using something with the 2 i's from the wii name such as Kill Mii for example, or i have a worklog currently with the name "Guitar Hiiro" so you can do whatever you want but that's the theme around here lol

Overall if your new to the forums, I really recommend reading and going over every resource you can on here as there is A LOT of information on everything. It's not to say you can't ask questions on specific things, but the creators and users of bitbuilt have made the process as streamlined as they can for beginners, so definitely take hours and days if you need to, to read on information provided.

I hope this helps and good luck with your portable!


No emulation, real hardware
Staff member
Feb 5, 2016
MGC, Wisconsin, USA
you should find a lot of information on the Mundo Yakara channel

I approved this post just for the sake of saying while I haven't watched that video (Or speak the language it's in...) I'd highly advise AGAINST watching a video to gain portabilizing information unless it's from someone who's highly accredited among the community or something not directly related to portabilizing (IE basic electronics info).

Reason being is that the scene and what you should/shouldn't do has a tendency of changing often. Maybe not as much as it used to but... still. That plus many of these kinds of videos from "random people" have ended up containing bad advice, had bad technique, etc. (again, I haven't watched that particular video nor am I going to when it's an hour long).
Oct 11, 2024
a pond
Welcome to bitbuilt! I'll try to answer some of your questions

As for the Wii U screen, i can't advise on that but I recommend going through the worklogs and reading them as there have been users who have used the Wii U gamepad in their portables, so you should be able to find information there!

As for your power solution, there really isn't an inexpensive way to power your trim and it is more work to use the wiis regulators (if even possible) rather than buying one of the many great solutions people have out there. I really recommend saving up and going with the RVL-PMS 2 with the PMS-PD 3 from 4layertech.com as those will be your best options in terms of safety and features when it comes to powering your trim. The PMS-Lite is a little cheaper but doesn't offer as many features as the PMS 2.

There is a user on here who has an aliexpress store that sells a cheaper power solution but I cannot advise on how it works or it's features. Here's the link though if you want to give it a look:

As for syncing your wiimote you will have to relocate the Bluetooth module to be able to use a wiimote in your project. Also syncing is not done via software. If you have a wiimote already synced to your BT module, it will work if you relocate the bt module after you trim, however if you need to resync, or sync a new wiimote, you'll need to wire a button or something similar between 3v3 and the sync pad on the Bluetooth module. Take a look at the wii trimming guide and you'll see what I'm saying.

As for the gamecube controller: again, I recommend using the GC+ 2.0 from 4layertech.com as that will be your best option. Alternatively I believe the aliexpress store I linked above does have an RP2040 based controller solution, but I cannot advise on it.

And for a name, the running meme around here is using something with the 2 i's from the wii name such as Kill Mii for example, or i have a worklog currently with the name "Guitar Hiiro" so you can do whatever you want but that's the theme around here lol

Overall if your new to the forums, I really recommend reading and going over every resource you can on here as there is A LOT of information on everything. It's not to say you can't ask questions on specific things, but the creators and users of bitbuilt have made the process as streamlined as they can for beginners, so definitely take hours and days if you need to, to read on information provided.

I hope this helps and good luck with your portable!
I did end up deciding on using those boards plus the RVL-AMP for that, and I’m going to use a RP2040 I own plus a cool piece of software I found that makes it work like a GC+ 2. For the name, I thought of “New Nintendo Wii Ultra” earlier. Any thoughts on that? I actually didn’t know about the sync pad so that will come in handy. Finally, would you recommend that I find a driver for the already built-in screen or just replace the whole thing?
EDIT: I found this screen on eBay (BOM link was dead), would it be suitable? https://www.ebay.com/itm/2669748959...aej6pfjqey&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
I can't say whether it will accept 480i over VGA, but otherwise yeah it'll work. Might need some fitment adjusting to sit properly in the shell