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Worklog Portable Genesis "PG" (ATGames Moddification)

Jan 15, 2019
Base Product: ATGames SEGA Genesis Classic Game Console (Kohls Release 2016)
Base Components: ATGames Console, 2 IR Basic Genesis Controllers
Base Price: $49.99 (2018)

Overall Goal: Portablize the ATGames SEGA Genesis Classic Console using as much base hardware as possible.

Starting Date: 01-16-19

This will be my first console modding attempt and as such I broke it up into 5 phases which will narrow my focus and take things slow. I picked this console since its fairly cheap and small. I know one or two other members have started a mod with this console before but neither have posted finished product as far as I know. I didn't want to do an emulator based micro-controller project as I wanted to try messing with actual hardware. I have access to 3D printer so prototyping cases will be easy.

Ideas or tips for goals in any of the phases are welcome! I will try my best to document my progress.


Primary Goal: Combine single IR controller and base console into single frame
Secondary Goal: Convert original IR controller into wired controller
Bonus Goal: Enable 2nd IR controller input (IR or wired)

-May not be able to direct connect the IR controller emitter to IR receiver circuit on console board
-Gripping the system interfering with cartridge slot

01-16-19 + Initial Teardown Completed
01-18-19 + CAD Modeling of Base Components Completed

Base Components:
Base Console Teardown
Base Console Board Assembly
Main Board (MB) [Top Layer]
Main Board (MB) [Bottom Layer]
I/O Board (IOB) [Top Layer]
I/O Board (IOB) [Bottom Layer]
IR/PWR I/O Board (IPB) [Top Layer]
IR/PWR I/O Board (IPB) [Bottom Layer]
Base Controller Teardown
Controller I/O Board (CIOB) [Top Layer]
Controller I/O Board (CIOB) [Bottom Layer]

Barebones Testing:
Wired 3.3V Source on MB to CIOB
Voltage Regulator on MB takes 9V to 3.3V
Voltage Regulator Pinout from Bottom of MB (Top- 9V Input, Middle- GND, Bottom- 3.3V Output)
Removed IPB and Rewired to be Free from IOB, Bent IR Reciever to be Straight, Bent IR Transmitter on CIOB 180 Deg
IOB Pinout (White- , Red- , Black- , Blue- )
Completed Phase 1 Electrical Assembly with Current Controller Frame

Frame Design/Testing:
Test Controller.jpg
Test Print of new color changing filament (Joycon Mount)

CAD Renders/Basic Dimensions:
AT-2a.png AT-2b.png AT-2c.png
AT-3a.png AT-3b.png AT-3c.png
PG-1 ELEC 1B.png
Electrical Assembly
PG-1 ELEC 1aa.png PG-1 ELEC 1ab.png
Current PG-1 Bottom Case Design


Primary Goal: Enable use of replaceable battery pack instead of AC power adapter
Secondary Goal: Enable dual option of DC or AC power
Bonus Goal: Enable rechargeable power source


Primary Goal: Add 3"-4" screen to the system
Secondary Goal: Enable speaker OR headphone jack audio
Bonus Goal: Enable dual option of screen or external peripheral (aka TV) use

-Deciding what speakers to use and implementing the splitter for speaker or headphone audio

-Currently looking at ASIN #B0045IIZKU (3.5" TFT LCD Display). Supposedly can be powered by at least 5V when you mod it like this reviewer did. Has an audio input but no sound.
TFT Screen.jpg
TFT Screen 2.jpg

Primary Goal: Design screen to be deploy-able to protect when not in use
Secondary Goal: TBD
Bonus Goal: Investigate and provide information for implementing a standard controller instead of IR one


Final product design with one reproduction unit.
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Wizardry V Completer
Nov 10, 2016
I like the layout of your post with the details of each phase. Regarding phase 1, I think you'd avoid some hassle by just getting a wired 6-button controller and skip the ir stuff altogether. I was given one of those atGames consoles as a gift and never bothered with the wireless controls since they felt so cheap.

I'm looking forward to progress on this!
Jan 15, 2019
I like the layout of your post with the details of each phase. Regarding phase 1, I think you'd avoid some hassle by just getting a wired 6-button controller and skip the ir stuff altogether. I was given one of those atGames consoles as a gift and never bothered with the wireless controls since they felt so cheap.

I'm looking forward to progress on this!
I know the IR thing might be a pain in the butt but I have a backup idea should I fail at bypassing the IR all together. I really wanted to restrict buying separate parts as much as possible. If someone wanted to do the same mod, they would only need the base console purchase and NOT have to get another Genesis controller to do the same Phase I mod. What I may do if my experiment fails is mount the IR transmitter and receivers up against each other somewhere in the new case. Whack Hack for the win LoL.

I may work on a version that uses a normal controller just for those that don't care about using the IR one for the mod but I might wait until Phase IV before I put effort towards that. Maybe I will make that a bonus goal since it isn't critical but would be nice.

Thanks for the input, I am looking forward to this project. I would add pictures of the tear down but I am having trouble with images on this forum for some reason.
Jan 15, 2019
Updated Main Post with Pictures, May update again today if CAD models are finished!
Jan 15, 2019
Tested the Phase I design today (pictures added to main post) without hardwiring the IR with great success. Console still worked and the controller worked as well. I did damag the IPB leads a bit as the material holding the traces down is clearly cheap junk. However I was able to work around it. It didn’t need to be perfect this first run as long as the connections were fine. Unfortunately with Phase I, in order to play with a friend you will need a wired controller.

I ordered some cool 3D printer material for the Phase I prototype case and it should come in Monday. I am only half way done with the design But if I am lucky I can start printing Wednesday and have something by the weekend. It’s looking a lot better than I hoped for Phase I. I am going to attempt to reuse the front face and buttons of the original IR controller frame if I can to keep some of the original look and feel.
Jan 15, 2019
I have
there is this sound fix for the atgames consoles but I don't think it applies to this model (don't see an sdcard slot). might be worth looking into anyway http://www.seganerds.com/2017/08/15/two-fans-have-reportedly-fixed-the-atgames-genesis-audio-issues/
I did hear there is an audio issue with these consoles. I’ll have to look into this particular one and see if it’s something fixable. Thanks for the link. Audio is near the bottom on my priority list until I have to add the screen and speakers in Phase III.
Jan 15, 2019
there is this sound fix for the atgames consoles but I don't think it applies to this model (don't see an sdcard slot). might be worth looking into anyway http://www.seganerds.com/2017/08/15/two-fans-have-reportedly-fixed-the-atgames-genesis-audio-issues/
Follow up on this, after some research, I do not believe this ATGames model has the same issue as all ATGames Genesis models made since the linked article have the fix applied at the manufacturing level. I personally haven't had any audio issues with the games I have played on it and I haven't found any evidence of the problem from other owners. Thanks for the check though as that is one less item to worry about...for now LoL
Jan 15, 2019
Color changing material with the printer is amazing. Still need to tweak some layer splitting issues. Need to enclose the printer to help with that.
Jan 22, 2019
keep the updates coming im enjoying your work so far. inspiring me to do one also who know!
Jan 22, 2019
what size screen you think is best to use?
currently drawing up a price list n parts list for future reference.
Could you give the measurements of each part e.g controller board, motherboard.
whats the amp draw on the console also?
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Jan 15, 2019
what size screen you think is best to use?
currently drawing up a price list n parts list for future reference.
Could you give the measurements of each part e.g controller board, motherboard.
whats the amp draw on the console also?
Thanks for the support! It has been slow this past week as work projects have take priority obviously. I am aiming for the 3.5" screen just because I felt like it but honestly it probably should be a 4 or 5" as to not strain the eyes to much. I left all my stuff at work since that is where I can access CAD tools so measurements and such will come tomorrow after work. It uses a 9V 500mA AC adapter normally if that helps so less than .5As. The screen take 5-12V and draws I think .5-.75A but I haven't checked it yet as that isn't until after Phase I.
Jan 22, 2019
Thanks for the support! It has been slow this past week as work projects have take priority obviously. I am aiming for the 3.5" screen just because I felt like it but honestly it probably should be a 4 or 5" as to not strain the eyes to much. I left all my stuff at work since that is where I can access CAD tools so measurements and such will come tomorrow after work. It uses a 9V 500mA AC adapter normally if that helps so less than .5As. The screen take 5-12V and draws I think .5-.75A but I haven't checked it yet as that isn't until after Phase I.
thanks for the response. yup work is first yup. thanx for the info. I just finished my parts list n temporary calculations thanx to your well taken pics. so far my pricing is (due to I got a lot of items already) $76.50USD (218XCD my currency which is pricey sadly). still need a few things locally most likely also.

I was looking at a 4.3 inch and a 3.5inch screen and oddly both viewing size is the same idk what's wrong with that. I'm think about a 5" though.
I even drew/write up a step/process chart from what all I can see in the images u have up. sadly my 3d printer is 120x135x100mm so I don't think I would be able to fully 3d print my case sadly.
hopefully the wife wont mind me buying the parts every other week XD.
keep up the good work though looking forward to it being finished.
was doing a look for a sega genesis portable vid to get inspiration and just realized they have (at games) a portable to the genesis with a 2.8" screen for same amount im looking to buy the regular for sigh!
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Jan 15, 2019
thanks for the response. yup work is first yup. thanx for the info. I just finished my parts list n temporary calculations thanx to your well taken pics. so far my pricing is (due to I got a lot of items already) $76.50USD (218XCD my currency which is pricey sadly). still need a few things locally most likely also.

I was looking at a 4.3 inch and a 3.5inch screen and oddly both viewing size is the same idk what's wrong with that. I'm think about a 5" though.
I even drew/write up a step/process chart from what all I can see in the images u have up. sadly my 3d printer is 120x135x100mm so I don't think I would be able to fully 3d print my case sadly.
hopefully the wife wont mind me buying the parts every other week XD.
keep up the good work though looking forward to it being finished.
was doing a look for a sega genesis portable vid to get inspiration and just realized they have (at games) a portable to the genesis with a 2.8" screen for same amount im looking to buy the regular for sigh!
I uploaded some of the basic dimensions (in imperial) of the boards up top to give you a general feel of it. Heights can vary and can probably be parsed from the images worst case. I do plan on making actual dimension drawings when I am done and have time. I am debating if I want to kind of skip phase 2 and add the screen now before trying to make it battery powered.
Jan 22, 2019
I uploaded some of the basic dimensions (in imperial) of the boards up top to give you a general feel of it. Heights can vary and can probably be parsed from the images worst case. I do plan on making actual dimension drawings when I am done and have time. I am debating if I want to kind of skip phase 2 and add the screen now before trying to make it battery powered.
thank you now wth this info I can think about how to make the case etc. thinking of doing a folding type.
have you gotten around to check the lowest accepted voltage?
Jan 15, 2019
thank you now wth this info I can think about how to make the case etc. thinking of doing a folding type.
have you gotten around to check the lowest accepted voltage?
Unfortunately all my extra CAD time has been absorbed by a really cool proposal that I am trying to get done so I haven't worked on my case in a while. I did find my good voltmeter so I can check the amp draw when I get time. My old dollar tree backup meter was stacking amps so it was clear that wasn't going to help any LoL.

My crazy plan was to do a sliding screen that you can slide from the top and lean out. Might be a bit complicated but why not try something different. I would have done flip if I wasn't reusing the controller face profile. It wouldn't have laid flat properly.

I hope to get time late next week after finishing the proposal work to get back into finishing off the case design.
Jan 22, 2019
Unfortunately all my extra CAD time has been absorbed by a really cool proposal that I am trying to get done so I haven't worked on my case in a while. I did find my good voltmeter so I can check the amp draw when I get time. My old dollar tree backup meter was stacking amps so it was clear that wasn't going to help any LoL.

My crazy plan was to do a sliding screen that you can slide from the top and lean out. Might be a bit complicated but why not try something different. I would have done flip if I wasn't reusing the controller face profile. It wouldn't have laid flat properly.

I hope to get time late next week after finishing the proposal work to get back into finishing off the case design.
sweet sounding good man hope all goes well with the proposal!
im sick atm having issues with my ps2 portable. wanna finish that first before I start working on a another portable tho. but ill keep watching your updates and stuff.