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PS2 Ultra Slim

Nov 29, 2024
I'll just throw something out there in case someone chimes in and schools us all. I know I could be wrong on this.

I run all of my Ultras with a ModBo chip that boots from USB. I am assuming you are using an FMCB card.

  • What version of OPL are you using?
  • How are you launching OPL? (e.g., from the FMCB menu with the correct path or through uLaunchELF)
  • Are the "GND" and "ACK" contacts connected/jumpered together?
  • Can you include a picture of your wiring?
View attachment 36316

All my PS2s are also chipped.

This one is using Modbo 5.0 (but same issue using FMCB)

OPL 1.2 for MX4IO support

Ack and Ground is bridged.

The issue may be that I didn't use the resistance?

I read all sorts of conflicting guides saying that it is not necessary, but then why include it in the first place?

I think I initially followed Macho Nacho's video, but then I noticed that when he installed the ElectronAnalog HDMI mod, he didn't shield the component wires to ground which IMO isn't great advice as that will introduce interference (I tried without shielding and it was night and day).

So I am wondering if his advice to skip the resistance is also as misguided? In reality, what is the purpose of that resistance?


Hey! I’m new to console modding. What’s the best setting for PCBWay when I order the 3D print file from them? PLA, Resin, etc since I don’t know the differences. Otherwise I’m excited to try the build
It depends what look you are after, and how much money you have, if you care to elaborate on those points a little bit?

As for the files to print, I agree the initial post is a little bit confusing as it links to an updated version that does not include the additional button and SD card bracket. I myself have got caught out as well and placed an initial order that had to be replaced as I realised the additional parts to be printed are in the actual original download.


Hey! I’m new to console modding. What’s the best setting for PCBWay when I order the 3D print file from them? PLA, Resin, etc since I don’t know the differences. Otherwise I’m excited to try the build
I've attached pictures of my latest build to give you an idea.

The material is is:

HP MJF Nylon PA12

The color is:
Dyed black

The texture and finish is:
Shot peened

I used a website called CraftCloud that guides you through the whole process and makes it easy for you, then gives you a selection of 3D printer vendors to chose from depending of what you selected, your location etc etc, give it a try and it will show you what the finishes and materials look like.

If you want transparent, the PCBway transparent resin is the answer, but be prepared to pay extra.


Awsome Build! Working on the same since... well a long time, thanks to a dying fan, killing a fuse in the process. And I painted the Case:

I printed out the lettering of the stand in white PLA, and pressure fitted them in, and added a Diode to the USB input to drop the Voltage a little bit, and protect the circuit if someone connects the normal barrle jack to.

But, i have still a problem with the ElectroAnalog... the Picture is just noisy.

I already resoldert the cabels, changed the cables, isolated the cables with some distance to each other, to see if I need to add some shielding... but nothing was the solution. And now I dont really know, which next troubleshooting step I can take.
I also had noise AnalogElectron.

I fixed it in 2 steps.

Step one, shield the cables, AnalogElectron even has the ground via holes for this.

Step two, routing was really important for me.

I isolated main ground and 5 volt (or is it 3.3) and ran them down under the motherboard to come out the other side.

The shielded video wires run on the top side of the motherboard right above the main shield plate, this way I avoid interference with 5 volt and all the other components from the motherboard

Same for audio wire, except I ran them a bit further down.

The video, audio, and power wires never intersect.

This has reduced the noise to very closely match my other PS2 that uses component+RetroTink 4K, where before it uses to be very noticeable and distracting.

Hope this helps.


I have to comment on your build—that shell looks amazing! I love it! Well done!

I have installed the Blue Retro HW2 internal setup. I want to mention that what I have is thicker than the Methylene. However, I believe he now uses a board instead of a ribbon in his latest update. Therefore, I could be wrong. On the ultra slim shell we have just as if not slightly more room than the SCPH-7900x OEM shell. Gusse would not make it too thick. I wouldn't think fitment is a problem but I (like C3P0 have been wrong from time to time, ha!)

If you place a straight edge across the bottom of the board and see that the ESP-WROOM-32x does not sit higher than the bottom of the controller ports, then you're good. In my build, the ESP was flush with the bottom of the controller port, and it fit just fine. However, I placed the ESP directly onto the motherboard with some thin double-sided tape.

If your shell fits and doesn’t look “pregnant” when it’s all put together, the next question would, of course, be about pinched wires or some insulation is neede on something.

I don’t have all the details about your build, but let me throw this out there—maybe it can help.

My install acted weird too, but it was related to the 3.3V supply. If the 3.3V from the voltage regulator on the Methylene (or ESP in my case) is not tied to the 3.3V on the console, it can behave oddly. This was a huge hang-up for me because it’s generally a big no-no to connect two 3.3V supplies to one power rail. However, in this case, you have to do it to get the features we want (power on/off/reset with the controller). Also, it works, so… I look the other way and just do it.

Now, if the Methylene doesn’t fit, all is not lost. You can save it for another build and just install the ESP-WROOM-32x. Then, pick up a current sense board from Helder's GameTech ($6 plus shipping). You won’t have chimes or the reset function, but you can still power the console on and off with your controller and still have port detection—which is pretty sweet. I can share my diagrams if you want to go that route.

I hope this helps! If you get it working, let us know what you did—I’m curious!

This is my recent build I am refering to.
View attachment 36304
Just a note, maybe this was trimmed after the fact so ignore me if so, but you dont need to hookup the whole right row of that modbo except CX. SX is for PS1 and Y to A is for DVD, which obviously, we don't need anymore. This will save you lots of time on your next build as those B/G/H/I on this model aren't exactly fun soldering jobs



Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
Little update on my own build. The PS2 works with the USB-C and turns on, and boots just fine.

However, I must have done something wrong with the memory card cause it's not booting from the memory card. I do have a feeling that because it's not a Samsung card, that could be the reason it's not reading. Which, if that's the case, i'll have to wait until I can buy one. lol.

But I also wouldn't rule out the fact that my wiring could be wrong as well, even though I did follow the instructions exactly.

Will update once I figure this out. :)


Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI
Your build looks fantastic—well done! It's awesome that you're chipping too. I just love how clean it is when everything works without anything needing to be plugged in.

Just a note, maybe this was trimmed after the fact so ignore me if so, but you dont need to hookup the whole right row of that modbo except CX. SX is for PS1 and Y to A is for DVD, which obviously, we don't need anymore. This will save you lots of time on your next build as those B/G/H/I on this model aren't exactly fun soldering jobs
Agreed! And thank you for mentioning that—those wires can be such a pain! However, I still take the time to include them because I eventually sell (or try to sell) my builds. I want them to be as complete as possible, especially in case the board is ever used with an optical drive again in the future. Its more of a personal conviction for me! ha!

I’ve been using an 82Ω resistor in my builds, but on my last one, the adapter was already bridged, so I left it out, and it still worked. This is kinda buggin me now cuz I want to know what causers that.

I’ll definitely look into your suggestion for "CraftCloud" as well as the shielding. I haven’t had any issues with noise, but you’re absolutely right—it’s good practice and should be done.

Thanks for joining this thread and sharing your input—I really appreciate it!


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
Update on my own Ultra Slim:

PS2 Boots Up, but does not detect the Micro SD card.

Tried it originally with a SanDisk Adapter, and a 1TB Lexar Micro SD Card. (Does not detect.)

Then, thought it could just be because I wasn't using Samsung.
So, because I'm impatient, I went out to Best Buy and bought a Samsung Pro Ultimate 512GB Micro SD Card.

Took out both the Adapter, and SD Card, and replaced it with the new Samsung ones.
These don't work either. So I'm probably going to check the wiring.. again.
But I'm pretty sure I followed the diagram exactly.

I just KNOW the issue is going to be something stupid, it always is due to me overthinking.

Side issue: USB Port also doesn't seem to be working. Not sure why that is either.
Update on this part: I skipped a step and forgot to add the wire for the USB port. USB works now.

However, I'm not giving up on this! :)

Replaced every single wire with new wires. Still not detecting the SD Card.
Replaced the Resistor: Still nothing.
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Nov 29, 2024
Update on my own Ultra Slim:

PS2 Boots Up, but does not detect the Micro SD card.

Tried it originally with a SanDisk Adapter, and a 1TB Lexar Micro SD Card. (Does not detect.)

Then, thought it could just be because I wasn't using Samsung.
So, because I'm impatient, I went out to Best Buy and bought a Samsung Pro Ultimate 512GB Micro SD Card.

Took out both the Adapter, and SD Card, and replaced it with the new Samsung ones.
These don't work either. So I'm probably going to check the wiring.. again.
But I'm pretty sure I followed the diagram exactly.

I just KNOW the issue is going to be something stupid, it always is due to me overthinking.

Side issue: USB Port also doesn't seem to be working. Not sure why that is either.
Update on this part: I skipped a step and forgot to add the wire for the USB port. USB works now.

However, I'm not giving up on this! :)

Replaced every single wire with new wires. Still not detecting the SD Card.
Replaced the Resistor: Still nothing.
Question 1) I know this a stupid, but just in case, did you turn on the switch?...

Question 2) Mine isn't detected either until I take the sd card out and put it back in while it's in the OPL menu, did you try that (with the switch on)

Question 3) OPL configured correctly? BDM set to auto and then turned MX4IO to ON in the menu?

Sorry if you already mentioned all this and I missed it.


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
I should be a bit more clear. I'm currently booting into FMB using a memory card.
I have not been able to see the MicroSD Card at all to be able to get it to boot from it.

I did format the MicroSD card using Windows, then formatted it with a PS2 MBR using WinHIIP.

I did try your suggestions, however:
- Yes. Tried it in both positions.
2 - Opened OPL, took it out and put it back in. Still nothing.

3 - OPL Should be configured correctly. BDM to Auto:
(Screenshots are from OPL v 1.2.0 Beta)

I get this every time booting into OPL:
(Not sure if the MX4SIO is considered the HDD, so that could be why since HDD is enabled.)

I'm trying to make it boot from the Micro SD Card when the console turns on.
But even in he LaunchELF application, it doesn't see the SD Card at all. Switch on, or off.

It's really odd and I'm not sure what the issue is.
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Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI
MX4SIO is not HDD, should turn that off. Turn on write operations if you want to save. Then save the config.
Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI
In OPL under "About" what version is listed at the top?

Mine is "Open PS2 Loader v1.2.0-Beta-1991-CCV2-G"

Build Options: GSM 0.40 - IGS 0.1


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
So, after thinking more about what @FatBaldDad said, I feel like I've been looking at this whole thing all wrong, and treating the SD card as if it were a HDD.

What I WAS doing before, was formatting the SD Card using WinHIIP, and using RAWCopy to copy my PS2 Fat HDD to it.
I had also tried at one point formatting it, also using WinHIIP, and loading games onto it manually from WinHIIP.

But I'm thinking that if it doesn't work like a HDD, and only more like something to load games from from OPL, then all I need to do is load games onto the MicroSD.

I did eventually get a version of OPL (OPL_v1.2.0.6-1996) to open the "MX4SIO" menu.

About Screen shows:

Which is more progress than I've had so far, and I'm not sure why it has been this difficult.

So, I've formatted the SD Card, and am just currently loading it up with ISO files for games.

As far as I am aware, it will NOT boot from the SD Card to Free McBoot, or detect it any other way like a HDD, but will only load the games in OPL.
Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but it took me THIS long to even get this far. lol.

Will update once games are added to the SD Card and we'll see if it works. :)
Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI

Now it's making sense as to what was going on. Ha! I think you've got it now. Another thing to note is that the MX4SIO doesn't always show up right away on that version of OPL because the default is USB. You have to use the D-pad to select the next location.

Format your microSD card as exFAT and put your games in a folder named "DVD" in the root directory. Also, a handy tool is "OPL Manager" to get all the artwork, saves, cheats, etc., set up. You probably already know this.


Just something else to consider if the microSD card isn't showing up without taking it out and putting it back in: it could be due to using that version of OPL. It typically defaults to USB, and you have to press right or left on the D-pad to select the MX4SIO. I know that in launchELF, you have to select "mass0" to open that file location, and then when you back out, "MX4SIO" shows up in the file tree. Maybe you already know this, but I'm just throwing out ideas to help.


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
Hey, if anything, my constant updates on my own woes of making my PS2 Ultra Slim on this thread could end up helping someone else out.
I know I've been through all 17 pages of this thread multiple times to find out information.

Update 1 on the SD Cards:
Tried to use the 1TB Lexar PLAY UHS-I microSDXC Memory Card (for Gits and Shiggles).

Formatted with exFAT.
Loaded it up with games in the "DVD" folder.
Opened OPL (same version as before), and only the BDM folder shows up, not the MX4SIO folder, even though no settings have changed.

Noticed that when putting the card in while still on OPL, you can see the loading circle pop up in the bottom right corner, as if it recognizes that something has been inserted:

However, nothing comes up, and I get no MX4SIO menu.

Update 2 on the SD Cards:
Now trying the 512GB Samsung Pro Ultimate MicroSD Card (MB-MY512S)


Formatted with exFAT.
Loaded it up with some the same games in the "DVD" folder.
Put it into the PS2, no spinning circle, no MX4SIO Menu. Nothing.
Restarted the PS2. Still nothing.


I feel like it sees the Lexar SD Card, as it shows more life when it's in the PS2.
The Samsung one does little to nothing.
However, neither card is even popping up the MX4SIO screen again.
I'm not even sure how I got that screen to begin with. lol.


After a little messing around with it, i FINALLY got the screen to come back up.
I have no idea still what did it, but I inserted a USB drive, brought the USB menu up, then took it out, and put the SD card back in, and it came up..

However, no games still on the Samsung 512GB card.
Trying the Lexar 1TB card again.

The Lexar, once again, is showing more promise like something is happening, as this time, i'm getting the spinning loading circle.
The loading circle has been spinning a few minutes now, i'm not going to bother it in case something is happening.
It now has popped up... a second MX4SIO Games menu? .. but the circle is still spinning..


And now it's made a 3rd menu.. I have no idea what is going on..


As much as I want to wait for it, I think it's going to make endless copies at this point with no games. lol.
Waited about 5 minutes.
Rebooting the PS2 once again. *sigh*

Did the same thing again:
- Inserted the USB Drive, and the USB menu came up.
- Took the USB Drive out, and put in the Samsung SD Card.
- Absolutely nothing. Some spins from the loading circle, but only for a moment. No MX4SIO menu.
- Took the Samsung Card out, and put in the Lexar card.
- Spins for a little longer than the Samsung.
- Rebooted the PS2
- Took the USB drive out, Put the Lexar back in, it then brings up the BDM Menu, and sits on the screen with a spinning circle in the corner again..
- It does eventually bring up the MX4SIO screen again, so now there's a BDM and MX4SIO (for the first time) but still spins.

It seems to see the Lexar more than the Samsung, which is extremely odd, since this mod prefers Samsung cards, but IDK.
I'm done with it for tonight. We'll see what I can figure out tomorrow.

I'm going to leave the PS2 on while i'm asleep, just in case ANYTHING happens.
Maybe i'll just end up with a million MX4SIO screens like before. Haha.

I do hope nobody is annoyed by my posts, but I just wanted to share my issues/steps in case anyone else has any issues.
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Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
Woke up, and still no luck with the PS2.

Did a bit of searching, and saw that someone had some luck with a similar issue formatting the SD card with an application called Rufus.

Downloaded Rufus.

Used these settings:

Loaded the SD Card up with games.

And FINALLY we have success!
For some reason, using Windows formatting, or WinHIIP formatting did nothing.
But Rufus saved the day and a LOT of headache.

It does create some "Autorun" files, which you can just delete.
I guess it's just to make the drive bootable.


And this is using the Lexar 1TB MicroSD.
I'm sure the Samsung will work just fine as well with the same method.
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Oct 29, 2024
Has anyone else used a different slider switch than the one recommended from Mouser. Just curious if there was something I could buy multiple of on Amazon.


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
Has anyone else used a different slider switch than the one recommended from Mouser. Just curious if there was something I could buy multiple of on Amazon.
The shell is made to fit the one from Mouser.
However, when I looked for other options, I've not been able to find one the exact size.

The size listed on Mouser is 10 x 2.5 x 6.4 mm.
Closest thing I could find on Amazon is 8 x 4 x 10m

So it won't fit, but i'm sure you could 'make' it fit one way or another.
My suggestion would just be to stick with the Mouser Electronics one as it would look cleaner.
Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI
Woke up, and still no luck with the PS2.

Did a bit of searching, and saw that someone had some luck with a similar issue formatting the SD card with an application called Rufus.

Downloaded Rufus.

Used these settings:
View attachment 36448

Loaded the SD Card up with games.

And FINALLY we have success!
For some reason, using Windows formatting, or WinHIIP formatting did nothing.
But Rufus saved the day and a LOT of headache.

It does create some "Autorun" files, which you can just delete.
I guess it's just to make the drive bootable.

View attachment 36449

And this is using the Lexar 1TB MicroSD.
I'm sure the Samsung will work just fine as well with the same method.
That’s awesome you got it to work! Nice!

When I get a chance, I’m going to load up the version you posted and play around with it. It really should be as simple as formatting the microSD in exFAT, dropping your ISOs in the DVD folder, configuring OPL, and you’re done! I’ll have to do it using FMCB like you are. In my situation, I’m using the ModBo 5.0 chip and loading OPL from the USB drive. It took me a long time to find and understand how to get it to work as it should, but it has worked really well for me since then.

I really appreciate everyone posting their struggles and suggestions. It really helps!

Thank you BitBuilt and staff for hosting these forums!


Oct 26, 2024
Fraziers Bottom, WV
That’s awesome you got it to work! Nice!

When I get a chance, I’m going to load up the version you posted and play around with it. It really should be as simple as formatting the microSD in exFAT, dropping your ISOs in the DVD folder, configuring OPL, and you’re done! I’ll have to do it using FMCB like you are. In my situation, I’m using the ModBo 5.0 chip and loading OPL from the USB drive. It took me a long time to find and understand how to get it to work as it should, but it has worked really well for me since then.

I really appreciate everyone posting their struggles and suggestions. It really helps!

Thank you BitBuilt and staff for hosting these forums!
Yeah, the entire issue was it just didn't like the way I formatted the cards, I guess.
Cause once I formatted the SD Cards using the Rufus application, it worked immediately with no issues.

And i even tried it with the Lexar, Samsung, and even a SanDisk card using this method, and every one of them works.
Dec 10, 2024
Hello everyone. I just half-finished my build, I still have to do the SD card mod, but it is working with a MX4SIO card. Really happy with the result.
I 3D printed it in PCBWay, black resin, paid about $42 total with shipping to USA
Bought a broken PS2 in Ebay for $22 + shipping
I used the electronanalog HDMI card, really easy to install and also looks professional. The problem I have with the card is that it works with my monitor but is not detected by the big TV. Also sometimes the video looks stripped or the sound deteriorates, things that get fixed by resetting. I also have one of those cheap PS2toHDMI adapters and it works perfectly. I'm thinking of gutting the adapter and putting it inside.
Has any one of you had problems with the electronanalog?
I also don't have the 3D files for the reset button, I downloaded the files and they have 1 bottom and 3 tops but no extra parts. Does anyone know when I can get that file?

Sep 30, 2024
Laurium, MI
The button and micro SD card adapter files are included with the original post by Wesk (the very beginning of this thread).