Am I doing it right for my analog?
this is where I cut
this is where I re wire it
this is where I cut
this is where I re wire it
sorry, i'm not gonna invest for a hot air tool, that's too much, i'm only doing this as a hobby and not too much expenses for unnecessary thingsWhat kind of a budget do you have for soldering equipment? Because its a worth while investment to get a variable temperature soldering station, and if you really wanna splurge get one that has a built in hot air tool
Nvm It. I need help. How do I wire the SELECT, START & ANALOG Buttons to the PCB?How thick is your solder? You can heat the board up less using thinner solder (with a flux core)
Is this what you mean?Solder each (left or right but not both) bottom leg of the switches to the controller's ground then solder either left or right but not both of the switch's top legs to each of the test pads (silver) on the controller.
I saw your custom controller, it kinda resembles my controller (the one in this picture)@cfc_12 Idk what you were asking in that PM. Could you please be a bit more specific? Btw that orange wire on square is ground. See how you can see it connecting to the other half of the start button? So you can connect your start etc buttons to ground there.