RVLoader doesn't have disc drive support, and AFAIK it's not on the roadmap. It's designed specifically for portables, so yeah you would have to exit to the system menu or another loader to launch discs.Hi. I want to use the Wii without needing a Wiimote, no trim, no excessive modifications. Still, not in a way I wouldn't be able to use a Wiimote if I wanted.
GC2Wiimote as a standalone release seems unfinished and cumbersome to use at a glance, so given that development was continued for RVLoader, is using RVLoader my best bet?
I'm aware of Fakemote, and I have a compatible controller, but I'd rather use the GameCube controller if possible.
I'm concerned about having no disc drive support if I install RVLoader despite having a perfectly working disc drive, and other components like wireless that probably don't make the cut on portablized Wiis. Is there a way to use these within RVLoader, or would I need to temporarily switch to System Menu to play from a disc?
Composite video is untouched. The patch just changes the high resolution output mode from YPbPr component to RGBHV VGA. When the MODE line is fed 3.3v, the high resolution output is enabled and composite is disabled. If MODE is not fed 3.3v, composite video outputs instead. If you want to give a build the option to output composite video, you'll need a physical switch to toggle whether MODE recieves 3.3v or not.Does anyone know if rvloader patches out composite video when configure for VGA, I had the idea to run RCA through a headphone jack but I'm a bit confused on how the VGA patch works.
Probá poniéndote a programar vos entonces, genio. El código es público, nadie ni nada te prohibe abrir un pull request. Intentá ser más constructivo en tus críticas, por lo menos se más específico en los errores que estás notando, qué juegos andan mal, qué mapeos están mal, algo. Quizá de esa forma Aurelio sabe que es lo que tiene que arreglar cuando tiene tiempo de trabajar en algo que nosotros disfrutamos gratis.muy mala actualizacion, la 20 y 21 tienen muchos errores en el mapeo de controles en los juegos y algunos juegos no cargan, lo unico bueno es que puedes salir de los juegos sin reiniciar nada mas, lo demas es muy malo, tuve que regresar a la 1.3, que hasta la fecha no superan esa version que es la mejor y mas estable en juegos y en controles, que decepcion
Did you enable VGA? If so, what are you using for connecting video?This seems to have bricked my wii. During the install, the screen eventually became completely black with the console still on regardless of how long I waited. Eventually I unplugged the console and plugged it back in, turned it on and still a black screen. It will not boot into priiloader from holding the reset button on boot nor does the safe menu work. I don't know exactly where to begin diagnosing the issue. My wii is a normal RVL-001 model.
I did not enable VGA and I'm using component. I'll test the other cables I have now that you mention it.Did you enable VGA? If so, what are you using for connecting video?
Thinking about it, I don't know if priiloader was installed to begin with, as it had been some time since I did homebrew anything on my wii. I also don't have access to another wii to test anything.Could it be that maybe you were so incredibly unlucky that your bt module decided to die at the worst possible moment? Was priiloader installed prior to all of this? do you by any chance have another bt module to test (or at least access to another wii to borow one for a minute or two)?
I answer your question try to play RL Kirby Wii to see if you can play it black screen and also try to map the Donkey Kong Country buttons to see if you can also make errors in loading RL Mario Galaxy I already tried with several USBs in case you answer that and nothing at all but With the RVloader 1.3 version, those games are perfect, that's why I say that it is the best version to date and I have another thing, I have the right to give my opinion, this is a forum and you are nobody to to say that someone doesn't have their opinion ok get in touchProbá poniéndote a programar vos entonces, genio. El código es público, nadie ni nada te prohibe abrir un pull request. Intentá ser más constructivo en tus críticas, por lo menos se más específico en los errores que estás notando, qué juegos andan mal, qué mapeos están mal, algo. Quizá de esa forma Aurelio sabe que es lo que tiene que arreglar cuando tiene tiempo de trabajar en algo que nosotros disfrutamos gratis.
I'll test Kirby later. DKC Returns works fine but nunchuck MOTION emulation isn't yet implemented so that's what makes the game unplayable, however it does boot fine. If you do the BT relocation, you can play it with real wiimote and nunchuck without issues. As for Mario Galaxy, I played it a bunch and had no issues so far. All with the latest RVLoader version, so I'm not sure why you're having so many issues.I answer your question try to play RL Kirby Wii to see if you can play it black screen and also try to map the Donkey Kong Country buttons to see if you can also make errors in loading RL Mario Galaxy I already tried with several USBs in case you answer that and nothing at all but With the RVloader 1.3 version, those games are perfect, that's why I say that it is the best version to date and I have another thing, I have the right to give my opinion, this is a forum and you are nobody to to say that someone doesn't have their opinion ok get in touch
have you confirmed that the drive is good? did you try a different drive to rule that out? is the wii already cut?hey, I recently installed rvloader on a 6 layer wii and it works fine until I try switching tabs or loading gc and vc games in which the the rvloader will freeze indefinitely. Then when I go back into rvloader after powering off every file in the rvloader file will be corrupted and I have to repair my drive in windows. Has this happened to anyone else? and if so is there a solution?