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RVLoader v2.1

Jun 1, 2021
Why did you try to install that? What did you do exactly?
Was trying to installing Priiloader be course ciospaghetti doesn't let me, but I spend a few hours and rewired the wifi and it boot it again then I was able to repatch it, Thanks anyway u work is amazing I have 3 broken Wiis because the Bluetooth was dead , now I can use them thanks to you.

Can I please ask u something that is been happening to mi other Wii?
- suddenly if I paid more than 1 wiimote both disconnect and I have to hard power off the console , do u know why that happens? Thanks in advance.

PS: in my country is a little bit hard to find a Bluetooth spare to replace the broken one
Jun 1, 2021
Was trying to installing Priiloader be course ciospaghetti doesn't let me, but I spend a few hours and rewired the wifi and it boot it again then I was able to repatch it, Thanks anyway u work is amazing I have 3 broken Wiis because the Bluetooth was dead , now I can use them thanks to you.

Can I please ask u something that is been happening to mi other Wii?
- suddenly if I paid more than 1 wiimote both disconnect and I have to hard power off the console , do u know why that happens? Thanks in advance.

PS: in my country is a little bit hard to find a Bluetooth spare to replace the broken one
Sorry about my English.
Oct 23, 2019
Was trying to installing Priiloader be course ciospaghetti doesn't let me, but I spend a few hours and rewired the wifi and it boot it again then I was able to repatch it, Thanks anyway u work is amazing I have 3 broken Wiis because the Bluetooth was dead , now I can use them thanks to you.

Can I please ask u something that is been happening to mi other Wii?
- suddenly if I paid more than 1 wiimote both disconnect and I have to hard power off the console , do u know why that happens? Thanks in advance.

PS: in my country is a little bit hard to find a Bluetooth spare to replace the broken one
Nestor, where you from? If you are from Brazil i have one BT and can send to you for free
Apr 18, 2021
Does it support multiple controllers? Like Wiimote + GC controller, or more than one GC controller?
Jun 10, 2021
Hi! I can not thank you enough for all the hard work! Some of us rare folk are trying to use our wiis without the disc drive attached for minor slim down projects, is it possible to donate about $100 to any of you to add SD card support for loading wii games? (without the required disc drive daughterboard attached) Please let me know. I appreciate the efforts and i am more than willing to actually PAY for your genius advancements.


2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
Hi! I can not thank you enough for all the hard work! Some of us rare folk are trying to use our wiis without the disc drive attached for minor slim down projects, is it possible to donate about $100 to any of you to add SD card support for loading wii games? (without the required disc drive daughterboard attached) Please let me know. I appreciate the efforts and i am more than willing to actually PAY for your genius advancements.
Any particular reason you can't use a low profile USB drive as is intended? Also in the past, Wii games physically could not be booted from SD cards by any loader. I'm unsure if this has been resolved, last time I checked on it was 4 years ago, but I have doubts.
Jun 10, 2021
Any particular reason you can't use a low profile USB drive as is intended? Also in the past, Wii games physically could not be booted from SD cards by any loader. I'm unsure if this has been resolved, last time I checked on it was 4 years ago, but I have doubts.
CFGloader runs sd cards GREAT. i use them every time i mod a wii for a friend or family member. id be more than willing to pay for someone smart to add SD support for rvloader. my goal simply stated is:
1: to launch wii games without any kind of disc drive or disc drive daughterboard attached

CFGloader launches from sd just fine, but still makes calls to the wii disc drive daughterboard for launching of wii games. RVloader does not make calls to the disc drive, but does not launch or load games from sd.
Jun 12, 2021
Please, before asking any question, check the F.A.Q.: https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/rvloader-f-a-q.3721/
Make sure you follow all the steps, even if you already had BBLoader installed.

RVLoader was developed to replace BBLoader. Despite being almost completely rewritten, the stock theme was kept quite similar. The main improvements introduced are:
  • Open source code!
  • Wii channels support
  • ELF homebrews support
  • Complete Wiimote support
  • Titles are now ordered alphabetically
  • Fixed GC2Wiimote disconnection when the system is left idle for a while
  • Per-game GC+2.0 remappable buttons
  • Integrated system clock IF the MX chip is found. This can be an easy way to detect if the MX is properly wired to the Wii
  • Wider LUA integration for greater customization
  • Settings menu
  • Theme selection in the settings menu
  • Integrated GC+2.0 and PMS2 settings
  • PMS2 support (for more info on what this means, check the features listed here: https://4layertech.com/products/rvl-pms-2 )
  • RVL-DD in-game brightness setting (hold Z+X+Dpad Up/Down)
These improvements add up to the already known features of BBLoader:
  • New front-end completely developed from scratch and with Wii portables in mind
  • Built-in installer that automatically detects if RVL is not installed and prompts the user to install it
  • Integrated VGA patches. The installer also forces 480p if VGA selected so that you don't need to enable it from the System Menu settings
  • neek2o has been replaced by Hiidra for booting Wii games
  • Improved USB compatibility for Wii games
  • BT module is not required anymore to boot Wii games
  • GC2Wiimote is integrated in Hiidra and per-game configs can be modified directly in RVLoader by pressing B on a selected game. Also BTWiimoteInject is not required anymore
  • Bootloader system making upgrades as easy as drag & dropping new files on your USB drive
  • Full custom theme integration
VC/WiiWare titles are supported, but still experimental. Copy VC .wad files in the /vc folder on the root of your drive. WiiWare and Wii channels go in the /channels folder on the root of your drive.

If you already have BBLoader installed, follow these steps before proceeding with the copy of the files and installation:
  1. Delete the folder BBMain located in /bbloader/themes . This is not strictly needed, but it will ensure that the old, incompatible BBLoader theme won't appear in the themes list in the settings.
  2. Rename the folder /bbloader into /rvloader . This will ensure that any previously saved configuration and USB Wii saves are transferred over to RVLoader
In order to install RVLoader you need to have your Wii already hacked (i.e. the homebrew channel is installed) and updated. Then simply follow these steps:
  1. Unzip the archive in the root of your USB drive, making sure to merge the folders and not replacing them (to keep all the other homebrews that you might already have)
  2. Plug your USB drive in your Wii and turn it on
  3. Boot RVLoader from the homebrew channel, postloader or whatever you have
  4. RVLoader will detect if it is not installed currently and ask you to do it
  5. Press A to launch the installer
  6. After the initialization is complete the installer will perform a sanity check. If it complains about missing some IOS modules check the note at the end.
  7. You will be prompted to select if you want to patch out the WiFi module and if you want VGA. If you don't have the WiFi module on your board or you plan on removing it, PLEASE, make sure to have the "Patch out WiFi" option set to yes.
  8. Once you have selected the wanted options, press Start/Home once.
  9. The installer will show you the selected options and ask for confirmation. To proceed hold Start/Home for a couple of seconds until the process starts.
  10. Wait until the end of the process, it should take about a minute and then exit to RVLoader.
From now on RVLoader will boot automatically when turning your Wii on.

The UI is pretty simple, though still in development. Basic controls are:
  • DPad/Left stick to move through the different games
  • A to boot a game
  • B (or 1 on a Wiimote) to open the per-game configuration menu
  • C-Stick to switch between the different game menus (GC, Wii, homebrews, ...). Simply move the C-Stick and a selector wheel will show up. Holding the C-Stick in a position for a couple of seconds will confirm the selection. In case you are using a Wiimote, hold the B button and move the DPad to simulate the C-Stick movements. You can also use the right stick on a Classic Controller or the Nunchuk stick while holding the C button.

NOTE if step 6 fails: RVL installer grabs the required IOS modules from your Wii's NAND. If your Wii is not updated, it might be possible that the installer won't be able to find some of the required modules. In this case the installer will try to get those modules from the following IOS wads that must be placed on the root of your USB drive:
  • IOS36-64-v3608.wad
  • IOS58-64-v6176.wad
  • IOS80-64-v6944.wad
We won't provide these files, but you can obtain them easily.

Updates will come in the following days/weeks. If you have suggestions or any other feedback please let me know either here or on Discord.

PS: RVLoader and Hiidra wouldn't have been possible without the help of the following people:
  • marcan42, for answering any of the questions I had on Wii's architecture and IOSes
  • CrashBash for designing the amazing masterpiece that is the boot logo of Hiidra
  • Any developer who has released stuff for the Wii or contributed to its reverse engineering
  • All my Patreon supporters
This project is completely funded by the amazing donations and support I get on my Patreon page. If you'd like to contribute to the cause, you can check my page here: https://www.patreon.com/aureliomannara (I know, shameless plug).

Download link: https://github.com/Aurelio92/RVLoader/releases
Source code: https://github.com/Aurelio92/RVLoader (can't wait to see your contributions!)

PS: Hiidra's source code will come in few more days/possibly weeks. I need to clean it up
I have a real wii at home but it won't connect to the internet for some odd reason, but can this os connect to youtube and other streaming services supported by the original wii or would I have to download a special homebrew hack or something?
Jun 10, 2021
I have a real wii at home but it won't connect to the internet for some odd reason, but can this os connect to youtube and other streaming services supported by the original wii or would I have to download a special homebrew hack or something?
have you tried multiple access points? try a wireless hotspot from your phone, or a wii usb to ethernet adapter if available. your internal wifi antenna could be disconnected but thats highly unlikely. if you cant connect to wifi stock, then you won't be able to connect to wifi with a hacked system.

if you merely meant that you are getting error messages when attempting to connect to youtube or netflix you should know those apps have long been discontinued, the only alternative is wii media player, which has an extremely archaic youtube menu that only the most desperate of latin wii youtubers has made any effort to use according to my 20 minutes of research. according to the comments the links are dead and the apps do not work.


2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
CFGloader runs sd cards GREAT. i use them every time i mod a wii for a friend or family member. id be more than willing to pay for someone smart to add SD support for rvloader. my goal simply stated is:
1: to launch wii games without any kind of disc drive or disc drive daughterboard attached

CFGloader launches from sd just fine, but still makes calls to the wii disc drive daughterboard for launching of wii games. RVloader does not make calls to the disc drive, but does not launch or load games from sd.
I have learned a thing
May 16, 2021
Cuando intento iniciar un juego de wii o vc recibo este mensaje y se queda ahí, ¿cómo puedo resolverlo?

Jun 30, 2020
Salisbury NC
Anyone having issues with GC2WIIMote restarting the system when trying to map extensions (Nunchuck, Classic Controller, etc?)


a.k.a. ClonedEdge
Nov 16, 2018
Japan, Tokyo
Anyone having issues with GC2WIIMote restarting the system when trying to map extensions (Nunchuck, Classic Controller, etc?)
Yeah, you need to update to the latest version of RVLoader (1.1). Check the GitHub for the latest release here:
May 29, 2021
Hello, I am back unfortunately. I got RVLoader to work and I'm playing through Mario Galaxy and it works great except for one slight problem; the pointer with the joystick will not reset, and the pointer is very sensitive. Is there a way to change the sensitivity of the pointer to prevent these? I could not find a way to test if my joystick is drifting, but the pointer does not move and it doesn't seem to drift on the RVLoader radial menu. Thanks in advance.
Sep 30, 2020
@Aurelio, the Wii Motion Plus patch work on both BB Loader and RVLoader? Can I play the games that need this device using the Gamecube controller on the handheld console? Or both systems still don't support Motion Plus?
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