Recent content by AydinRad

  1. Question 6 Layer Wii issues

    It's from this post: If you want to keep the AV port, you will have to modify the hole for the power button, I used a drill. Also here's some internal pics, granted I didn't take the best pictures.
  2. Question 6 Layer Wii issues

  3. Question 6 Layer Wii issues

    I did! The issue was that my power supply wasn't providing enough amperage for my Wii. I had a 12V 2A supply but had to switch to a 3A power supply. Here's some pictures
  4. Question 6 Layer Wii issues

    Awesome, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to try out both of these suggestions once my stranded wire comes in.
  5. Question 6 Layer Wii issues

    Hello everybody, I have spent the last week working on a Noldendo (6-layer trim) and I am happy to say that for the most part, everything has been working fine. However, I have some issues that are keeping me from finishing the job, and I am unsure what is wrong. I will describe them in order of...
  6. Question GC stick boxes

    Wii nunchucks also have the same stick box depending on which type of GC controller you have. Gamestop should have some used nunchucks.