Recent content by Crimson Crusader#1480

  1. Crimson Crusader#1480

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Alright just so I have a good idea on how to use CleanRip, what would be recommended for dumping Wii Games? Like when it asks for dual layer, chunk size and new device per chunk.
  2. Crimson Crusader#1480

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Just so I know before I do the deed, I need to make sure if CleanRIP will do anything bad to my game after I use cleanRIP, like render it unplayable after using it. Will anything like that happen if I use it?
  3. Crimson Crusader#1480

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Alright and how do I dump the games on? Will the usb function as a SD card for the ashida?
  4. Crimson Crusader#1480

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Just so I know, where would be the best place to find Wii games, and how can I add the games after making the system? Is it through the type-c port?
  5. Crimson Crusader#1480

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Do I need any wires as well or any electric tape for making an Ashida portable Wii? If so, then what should I use?
  6. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    That's probably the problem, I'll need to get something like a sandisk ultra fit. Can Centon brand usbs work with RVLoader?
  7. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    Yes, I also tried the other port too, and even that doesn't work. Even when I go to priiloader that doesn't work. And when I try another usb, it says Error while booting/apps/RVLoader/boot.dol.
  8. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    Alright, it works, though when I try to install it I eventually get sent back to the menu and when I go back into the homebrew channel, it doesn't do anything. Is that normal? Never mind I got it. Now what should happen when it starts up afterwards, because now, it says: RVLoader bootloader 00...
  9. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    How should I do that? Should I just not have it in a folder? So far, I tried to format the USB as FAT32 with 32k cluster size but that isn't working.
  10. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    Alright, I'll try that later, and I'll tell you if it works. Also here's the file or the ones I could use for the download.
  11. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    That I don't think I did.
  12. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    The one I have didn't come with a SDcard I tried to use the one I have for that, but it didn't work either. And I even tried to plug the usb into the back.
  13. Crimson Crusader#1480

    RVLoader v2.0

    I'm having trouble trying to get RVloader on. I try to put the file onto the wii, but I can't find it anywhere on the homebrew channel, what am I doing wrong?