Recent content by edward3771

  1. edward3771

    PS2 Ultra Slim

    I could already find the solution. If anyone is like me who bought the wrong module, here is the solution. note: With this module it is not necessary to make the bridge between GND and ACK
  2. edward3771

    PS2 Ultra Slim

    I read the diagrams but it is not the same as mine. instead of having the pin "MISO" I have "MOSO" and instead of having "3v3" I have "VCC" Even though I have some different ones, I soldered them the same and tried them and it didn't work.
  3. edward3771

    PS2 Ultra Slim

    I have a microsd adapter, how do I have to solder it to the memory card? All the images I saw are for soldering to the SD adapter but I didn't see any for microSD adapter