Recent content by emu_kidid

  1. Model [Guide / Release] Noldendo Wii Miicro

    An update - sort of. 7 months later and I'm still waiting on my RVL-PSU's :P One day I'll be able to do this project hehe
  2. Model [Guide / Release] Noldendo Wii Miicro

    Yup I definitely remember you :) I also just realised I'd bought a RVL Power Management System a while back, I might use that if it's possible to do so without a battery.
  3. Model [Guide / Release] Noldendo Wii Miicro

    Thanks, and yeah I should've mentioned I'd seen that page but was unsure what actual value resistors were used instead of those super precise resistances. I'll just buy some RVL-PSU instead - see you all in 2 months when they arrive :P
  4. Model [Guide / Release] Noldendo Wii Miicro

    Are you able to provide what value resistors you used for the regulators? I'm keen to try building one of these :D