Recent content by fristen

  1. fristen

    Question Trouble with C menu in RVLoader

    Hello, I've finally started my portable wii project after procrastinating for almost a year. I've successfully trimmed and wired up my wii. I'm having one small issue with rvloader though, my c stick menu isn't showing up. My c stick works, in fact the menu works, It just doesn't show on the...
  2. fristen

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    Thanks, appreciate it. I'll try to clean it really good, maybe sand a bit more in some places.
  3. fristen

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

  4. fristen

    Guide Wii Trim Resistances

    I'm getting low numbers on my 3.3 line. Though, in retrospect, these numbers were probably fine, I decided to sand my edges more. now, my 3.3 is sitting at 267 everywhere. I've resanded 3 or four times, from 220 to 1000. the edges are smooth, no frays or anything sus looking. i removed the...