Recent content by hepphell

  1. hepphell

    Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] Dockable NDS

    That's a really cool project and definitely would be a simple option if I just need composite video. I want to do scaling and post processing on the digital video signals. Also to my knowledge you can't get more that 256x192 pixels per frame on that NTSC output, so you wouldn't be able to...
  2. hepphell

    Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] Dockable NDS

    Alright I got the LCD driver done. I put together a little test setup with just the red data lines hooked up for debugging. Unfortunately it looks like the display is defective because it has one row of pixel that are stuck white. I requested an RMA but I'll continue with what I've got for now...
  3. hepphell

    Worklog [2023 Contest Entry] Dockable NDS

    Hi all! I'm building a portable single screen DS. Taking what I learned from building a consolized DS, both about the inner working of the DS and how to effectively describe logic in HDL, I hope to build a device that gives me the best DS and GBA gameplay experience. I'm going to try and provide...
  4. hepphell

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hi! I'm hepphell. I've been lurking for bit. Excited to share some of my projects with y'all!