Recent content by Hey_Alexa

  1. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Honestly just forgetfulness. Thanks! Really digging how it's coming together :) Yeah this is the issue that I'm running into. I've verified that L+ outputs 3.34v and there are no shorts. I've flipped the connections on the LED and it still would not turn on. I started charging up my batteries...
  2. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Update 6: Power & Screen & Controls, Oh my! Hello Friends! Lotsa progress in this one: USB stick trimmed Buttons and joysticks installed USB-C PCB installed & wired PMS-Lite installed & tested w/ batts LCD & driver board installed & tested GC+2 PCB soldered on button PCB & installed U-Amp 2...
  3. Hey_Alexa

    GBoy worklog ( Metroid themed)

    Love the Metroid theme! :D Excited to see this develop! I'm about halfway through my G-boy so if you have any questions lemme know! So far @CrazyGadget 's comment here has been a huge help with getting started.
  4. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Oh true! I totally forgot about that! :D Thanks for the heads up. The build continues on!
  5. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Update 5: The Big Cut™ and U5/10/9 relocation Hello Friends! Quick update here: Cut the Wii (wooo!) Sanded the PCB (200->400->600 grit) Removed the U5 Burned up the U10 chip Butchered a leg off the U9 chip So overall a lot of destruction! Following images of the marked MX chip section...
  6. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Update 4: Wii Softmodding and Teardown Hello friends! After many side projects I finally got the energy to work on my PortaWii (heh). Despite Hackmii being down and the letterbomb hack not working for me. After many hours, I was able to get Homebrew installed with Wilbrand and manually...
  7. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Update 3: Parts and Case Hello! Little update, been working on some other projects recently. Nonetheless, I have gotten the case printed and started printing the other supporting structures in the GBoy I have all the parts collected in a box! I need to look into re-ordering some of my PCBs...
  8. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Thanks for the valuable info! I had another Digikey order started for some Gameboy controller mod parts I'll add these to. For the thermal tape, I was planning on using thermal paste instead. Would that work? Maybe it's too messy. I was considering that exact same USB drive! The loop was the...
  9. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Update 2: Parts and BOM This week has been a lot of waiting for orders to come in from the likes of eBay, Digikey, Amazon, and others. I have a box of parts quickly filling! The BOM for the project can be found here...
  10. Hey_Alexa

    G-Boy: Reloaded / My First Portable

    Hello all! I'm super excited to finally start working on a portable Wii! :D I got inspired 2 years ago after watching LTT's video on the G-Boy. Now that I finally have a disposable income and an unsuspecting Wii, I can start on this project! Unfortunately, after rediscovering the G-Boy Kits and...
  11. Hey_Alexa

    Famicom Gboy

    Amazingly clean build! :D Just starting my first build but hopefully I can borrow the bezel idea thanks to the stl. I just looked over the file and Dustin's front plate and all the mounts look identical. The only differences I can see between the two are the bezel and the reduced height for the...