Recent content by Marchioly

  1. Discussion Well. RIP.

    Well. I would recommend looking at getting one with adjustable temperature and replaceable tips (make sure you read amazon reviews on the replacement tips and that they are in varied sizes. Realistically you want a small micro tip, no sense messing with a 1/8th inch one (friggen huge, not good...
  2. Discussion Well. RIP.

    What soldering iron do you use? I would recommend you get a helping hand tool (or built a similar contraption). I like using two of them mounted on a piece of crap board that I use for soldering over. It is very handy having a couple of them because when I started soldering I noticed that it...
  3. Worklog Piizza 2.0

    Looks beast. FTFY
  4. Worklog (IT'S FINISHED) The Mumble Driim (Making my very first portable)

    The post is still valid. The charger will work fine. The batteries are garbage. Based on the information online the batteries you linked should be able to power the wii + screen for around 30-45 minutes on full charge.
  5. Worklog (IT'S FINISHED) The Mumble Driim (Making my very first portable)

    Misread the sentence... My bad... The batteries charge with 4.2V @ 600 mAmp. The charger works with 5V microusb input and outputs 4.2V @ 1 amp. Should work fine then. 
  6. Worklog (IT'S FINISHED) The Mumble Driim (Making my very first portable)

    I personally agree with Fiskers on this one. Look like typical chinese rip off LI-ION cells. The side actually reads "Sheef-life around 10 years". It also says that there is...
  7. Maybe he bought a lot of PSOne screens off ebay a few years back and is still selling them off.

    Maybe he bought a lot of PSOne screens off ebay a few years back and is still selling them off.
  8. Discussion Ben does it again

    Basically this vid he (spoilers) Interesting video, seemed that some of the techniques seemed pretty crude, but idk.
  9. I first saw one of Gman's portables due to random drunk youtube browsing. Later when sober I...

    I first saw one of Gman's portables due to random drunk youtube browsing. Later when sober I ended up watching one of Ben Heck's builds on my suggested vids. Needless to say, ended up finding this site. I didnt know that random tidbet about the fact that the n64 didnt use potentiometers like a...
  10. Worklog My first GC Portable!

    Hell yea! Nice job getting the Wasp/Megadrive. What revision gamecube motherboard do you have? Some of the older ones have a separate power board for the voltage regulators.
  11. A Side Project

    This is technically not a bump because this forum section is kinda dead. +1 to the guy who mentioned the teensy. Was starting to read this and saw your problem and was going to mention it. If you have trouble getting the slider functioning right, there are libraries / a bunch of sample code...
  12. Worklog Wii Touchscreen

    Easier said than done. The wiimote does calculations based off the sensor bar and some math to send the cursor positional data. This is the easy (ish) part, mainly due to the fact that it is the best documented. The fact of the matter is that the majority of the documentation on the wiimote is...
  13. BreadBox Cube V2

    Not a fan of camo and it looks like you need to sand the paint abit. The paint atm looks like the texture would be irregular. Besides that it looks great. And at least it isnt named like CamoCube or CombatCube.
  14. Discussion GC+ Mini contest

    Damn. So many good ideas in this thread. (This is my first built and I am waiting on regulators and what not to get here). I could put up some sketches though. I would like peoples opinions/feedback. I'm new to this stuff/artistically handicapped, so I drew the front/size to scale, and it all...
  15. Question Calling all noobs (noob question thread)

    Well. First post here/new to the console modding scene in general, so I definitely classify as a noob. 1) HDMI on the WII, I noticed that there is a chip for the gamecube called gc video. I noticed another thread on this forum where this same chip was wired up to a N64. I was wondering if there...