Recent content by Sanbaba

  1. Sanbaba

    How to make a very simple portable Wii?

    Hello it seems to me that you were interested in my question and in the videos that I found. I'll tell you one thing since you're a beginner like me. You don't have to be professional at all. All you have to do is test, test and retest to get there. To minimize costs I can't help you but all I...
  2. Sanbaba

    Solved What to start with ?

    Videos on this site and also on youtube (because I'm not English so I still need a bit of video of my nationality)
  3. Sanbaba

    Solved What to start with ?

    Hey everybody ! I wandered around youtube a bit until I found tutorial videos! So I don't need your help for now, but thank you anyway!
  4. Sanbaba

    Solved What to start with ?

    Hello everybody ! I would like to start my bitbuilt adventure but for that I need you. How to start because I have no experience for example transforming a Wii console. But still I know I can do it easily. Thank you !
  5. Sanbaba

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hello I'm new and can't wait to start the adventure !