Recent content by Tyson9

  1. Tyson9

    Stuck at rv loader

  2. Tyson9

    Stuck at rv loader

    When I turn on portable wii it loads rv loader but it doesn't advance to the main menu. What could be wrong?
  3. Tyson9


    Take any trades?
  4. Tyson9

    Question G Wii repair

    Any takers on repairs?
  5. Tyson9

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    I already done that and thanks for the info
  6. Tyson9

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    I don't think it will be a easy fix there are loose wires that fell out of the portable. This guy took me for a lot and he knows that it wasn't built right
  7. Tyson9

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    First off I would like to thank the forum for all the help. The person that I got it off of will not respond. Anyone on here who wants to fix it let me know asap
  8. Tyson9

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    Here are more pics
  9. Tyson9

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    It won't boot and the lcd screen states no sync
  10. Tyson9

    [SOLD] Selling my completed Ashida.

    I left a message on ebay
  11. Tyson9

    [SOLD] Selling my completed Ashida.

    Would you be interested in a trade? Dm me
  12. Tyson9

    SteamDeck/Aya Neo for trade

    I am not sure what you mean by pm'd
  13. Tyson9

    SteamDeck/Aya Neo for trade

    I am looking to trade my steamdeck 64gb and my aya neo 2021 ryzen5 for a portable Wii
  14. Tyson9

    PS2P for Sale

    I dm'ed you