Recent content by viktormax3

  1. Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    I made a short video with the screenshots, if you can't make it work send me a message
  2. Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    I made many attempts with postloader without success (I think it is not compatible with my HDD) At this moment I am not close to my Wii, probably later I will edit the post to add some screenshots, to make me understand better
  3. Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    I managed to run this with usb loader GX on a wii untrimmed This is my configuration: * Fresh uneek + di generated by ModMII * Ios + cios automatically generated by ModMII * USB loader GX channel with ahbprot * Generic 8GB SDHC formatted in FAT32 in 32k * Generic SATA USB case with 320GB disk...
  4. Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    I have not managed to get this working. I have a wii not trimmed with uneek + di, when copying the sysconf file and executing the emunand I cannot move in the system menu or synchronize any wiimote, how do I omit the system menu of the emunand when using nswitch? Thanks in advance for your great...
  5. Release GC2Wiimote - beta

    Thanks for you hard work!, this is usable with usb loader GX+neek2o? or is only for postloader/portablizemii?