Search results

  1. T3 Sticks in Wavebird

    Heyo! I've been looking at putting T3 stickboxes into a Wavebird, which all come with T2 stickboxes. For the C stick, I just harvested the separate board from an old T3 controller, removed the one on the Wavebird, got my wires sorted, and soldered it in. Seems to be working fine. But with the...
  2. Question Original N64 Stickbox in Switch Online N64 Controller

    After some more digging I found this project that adapts an original N64 joystick to the 8bitdo clone that they stopped making a while ago. Might be able to use this as a base to adapt to the NSO controller? The 8bitdo used pots as well, so my guess is that maybe it could be adapted to the NSO...
  3. Question Original N64 Stickbox in Switch Online N64 Controller

    Dang, thought that might be the case. Definitely outside my skillset at this point. Maybe someday I or someone else will take something like this on. Thanks for the reply!
  4. Question Original N64 Stickbox in Switch Online N64 Controller

    Heyo! I'm interested in putting an original N64 stickbox in the N64 switch online controller. The main reason for this is parts availability. I use my NSO controller along with a BlueRetro adapter to play wirelessly on real hardware, and hope to do so for a long time. The original N64 stickbox...
  5. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!
