Search results

  1. Need a G-Wii case printed

    I need a G-Wii case (the rev 2.2) printed for me. The color isn't super important since I plan on painting it myself, though I suppose a light-grey color would be ideal. I live in US, California.
  2. Question Bitbuilt Cooling kit worth ordering?

    Is the cooling kit on the Bitbuilt store worth ordering? I heard the stuff still there would take months to ship, so I want to know if it would be better to order the stuff elsewhere. If that is the case, where would it be best to order each of the things in the kit?
  3. Selling My G-wii Rev 2 ($800) (SOLD)

    Is this still available for purchase, or did someone already snag it?
  4. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    I recently got into handheld console modding and came across the G-boy, which is basically my ideal handheld. I'm mainly joining for updates on it.