
  1. SamwiseTheGreat64

    Help with starting a Wii U gamepad OLED mod project

    Hello everybody! I've got a project that I want to do, but I'm not sure where to start. I think it's a little too advanced for me with my current skillset, but I want to do it anyway, improving my skillset as I go. Project: Replace a Wii U gamepad's LCD screen with an OLED screen while...
  2. 5.5" Oled Screens?

    Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing very well during these trying times! I'm just wondering does anyone have any experience with the 5.5" oled screens from aliexpress? If not does anyone have any reasons why they shouldn't be used? (Besides the possibility of burn in). It accepts hdmi and...
  3. nobble

    ATTINY85 2" OLED Handheld Video Game

    This project uses an Attiny 85 microcontroller and a small OLED screen powered buy a tiny LiPo battery. The result is a device less than 2 inches tall. Can be charged via micro USB within 15 minutes, battery lasts days...