
  1. CosmicRazberry

    Question Ashida Potentiometer volume issue [resolved]

    Nearing the end of this Ashida build and running into an issue where the volume wheel doesn't work. I am getting fine audio from headphone and speakers, it seems clear just no control. I set the volume type to potentiometer in the RVLoader settings. I have the option to set the volume in the...
  2. Omar Elsayed

    Question Can you guys check my materials for making a wii portable?

    GC+ and dual tact mod - bitbuilt store Mini PAM8803 audio amp board - here I want to be able to somehow use a poteniometer on the amp board (Any guides on this?), this is what I want to use - GBA 5-pin potentiometer WiiU gamepad speakers - here 4-pin headphone jacks - here. Should I use 3-pin...
  3. Question Audio Jacks and Cooling

    So I have two unrelated questions. 1. I'd like to add 4 3.5mm jacks to a cube. I have 5v amp. Wiring I assume is easy enough, just 4 pots and jacks in parallel but I'm a bit hung up on what jacks and pots to use. I'm pretty confident I can just use standard 3 pin headphone jacks just fine, but...